2017 Annual Conference and Convention Announcement
April 6 - 9, 2017
- Judy Wilkinson, President
California Council of the Blind
1303 J Street, Suite 400
Sacramento, CA 95814-2900
- Local Conference and Convention Hosts
Greater Los Angeles Chapter, Ken Metz, President
San Gabriel Chapter, Pam Polagi, President
- Hilton Woodland Hills/Los Angeles
6360 Canoga Avenue
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Reservations: 866-288-3310
Local Number: 818-595-1000
Dear Members and Friends:
You are cordially invited to attend our Annual Conference and Convention of the California Council of the Blind, April 6 - 9, 2017 at the Hilton Woodland Hills/Los Angeles, Woodland Hills, CA. This announcement serves as an overview of Conference and Convention activities. More detailed information will be provided in the Conference and Convention Program. Also, be sure to attend our BJ's Brew house Fundraiser on Wednesday April 5, 2017 anytime between 4PM and 10PM (read attached flyer).
Judy Wilkinson,
We would like to thank our CCB Conference and Convention sponsors:
- Gold Sponsors:
- Bronze Sponsors:
- Goldstein, Borden, Dardarian and Ho
- Lainey Feingold
- HumanWare
- Togo's
For your convenience a textual description of the hotel floor plan will be included in the Conference and Convention Program.
Room rates are $105.00, tax inclusive, for single or double occupancy. These room rates will apply Wednesday April 5, 2017 to Monday April 10, 2017. There is a 5-day reservation cancellation deadline to avoid being charged. The final date for making reservations in order to obtain the $105.00 room rate is March 22, 2017. It is possible that this date can be extended, but at this time we cannot guarantee that you will receive the CCB room rate if you reserve after March 22, 2017. If you have not made your reservations, please do so immediately by calling 1-866-288-3310 or via the hotel website
If you need assistance in making reservations call the CCB office at 1-800-221-6359 for assistance. When making your hotel reservation, please mention the California Council of the Blind (CCB) SRP CODE: "CBL" in order to make sure you receive the Conference and Convention rate.
CCB must guarantee the number of rooms we will use. As we near the Conference and Convention date, if we do not meet our requirements, we may need to release some of the rooms from our block. When making your guest room reservations, if you need an ADA room, with or without a roll-in shower, tell the reservation agent what shower type you need. ADA rooms are limited in number.
Attendees will pay their own account upon departure. When reservations are made, attendees will be required to provide a valid credit card for each reservation. Upon check-in, each attendee will be required to present a valid credit card, on which an amount of sufficient pre-authorization can be obtained to cover the room for the length of the guest's stay, plus the anticipated use of the hotel's ancillary services.
Complimentary parking will be provided for overnight attendees.
NOTE: All pre-registrations must be prepaid.
You may pre-register for the Conference and Convention by telephone until April 3, 2017 at 4:00 PM. Call the CCB office at 800-221-6359 or 916-441-2100. Master Card, Visa, Discover and American Express cards accepted. If you pre-register on or before April 3, you may win one of seven complimentary tickets drawn for either the CCB Board Dinner, banquet, Leadership Dinner or one of the four Special Luncheons.
Donations of door prizes to be given throughout the Conference and Convention should be brought to the CCB registration table. In addition, any individual, chapter, or statewide affiliate wishing to make contributions to our various special and general funds may present them at the Banquet, or you may bring them to the CCB registration table and have them announced at the banquet. Your contributions are truly appreciated.
Also, if you would like to assist the California Council of the Blind, either by becoming a life member of CCB or by joining or increasing participation in the Monthly Monetary Support program, you may do so at the CCB registration table. For information on these programs, you may call the CCB office at 800-221-6359.
If you require vegetarian meals, assistive listening devices for general sessions or other special accommodations, please state your needs on the pre-registration form or contact the CCB office no later than 3:00 PM on April 3, 2017.
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Pre-registration packets can be picked up at the CCB registration table in the lobby from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
- 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Technology Committee; Andrea Pitsenbarger and Gabe Griffith, Co-Chairs; Technology Session.
Come Join the Technology Committee. We have a presentation on the Kaiser Flagship app and will explore new innovations in braille technology.
- 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Advocacy Committee Meeting.
Steven Mendelsohn, Committee Chair
- 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Resource Development
Frank Welte, Committee Chair.
"Fundamentals of Resource Development."
Paul Shane, CCB Chief Executive Officer, will discuss best practices and methods for chapters to enhance their fundraising efforts.
- 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Welcome to Woodland Hills Welcome Party!
Hosted by Greater Los Angeles Chapter, Ken Metz, President.
- 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM CCCLV and Technology Joint Program, Bernice Kandarian, CCCLV President, Andrea Pitsenbarger and Gabe Griffith, Technology Committee Co-Chairs.
"New Innovations and Procedures in Low Vision"
Dr. Bill Takeshita will discuss newer treatments and products for persons with low vision.
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Credentials Committee Meeting. Pamela Polagi, Chair.
Your Chapter need not send a representative to this meeting unless you are changing any information submitted in the credentials form due by March 6, 2017.
- 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM California Council of the Blind Board Dinner/ Meeting, Judy Wilkinson, President.
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. The purchase of dinner is optional.
- 10:00 PM Nominating Committee Meeting. Pamela Polagi, Chair.
- Hospitality suite, hosted by San Gabriel Valley Chapter, Pamela Polagi, President. Open from the close of the CCB Board meeting to 1:00 AM.
Friday, April 7, 2017
The CCB registration table will be open from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Name badges are available at the registration table. Please wear your badge at all times during the Conference and Convention. Your badge must contain an orange dot for voting.
Exhibits will be on display from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM. Peter Pardini, Chair.
- 7:00 AM - 8:15 AM CCB Women's Breakfast.
- 8:00 AM CCB Resolutions Committee. Jeff Thom and Gabe Griffith, Co-Chairs.
- 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM Braille Revival League of California (BRLC) Business Meeting, Linda Porelle, President
- 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM California Chapter Library Users of America (CLUA), Judy Wilkinson, President.
- 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Committee on Access and Transportation (CAT) and California Council of Citizens with Low Vision (CCCLV) Joint Program. Bernice Kandarian, President, CCCLV.
Aira: Breaking Down Barriers to Independent Living for Blind and Low-Vision Individuals.
Suman Kanuganti, Aira, Co-Founder & CEO San Diego, Ca.
Mr. Kanuganti will discuss innovative technology that may dramatically enhance the lives of people that are blind/low vision.
Other speakers to be announced.
- 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM BRLC/CLUA Luncheon.
Panel: Reed Strege, Director, Library Services for Braille Institute.
Gil Johnson, Chair of CA. Braille and Talkingbook Library Advisory Council.
Richard Rueda, Member of CA. Braille and Talkingbook Library Advisory Council.
"Reader Advisory Committees" the panel will discuss how they work, what they do, who is on them and how to get involved.
- 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM International Luncheon.
Jeff Thom, Immediate Past President CCB
"Around the World in 30 Minutes"
our guest speaker will be Mr. Carl Augusto, former CEO, American Foundation for the Blind, who will regale us with amazing stories of his international travels.
- 1:30 PM First CCB General Session.
Judy Wilkinson, CCB President presiding.
- 1:35 PM Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.
- 1:40 PM Report from the President Judy Wilkinson.
- 2:00 PM Nominating Committee Report and Candidates' Forum
- 3:00 PM "Advancing Towards a Brain Stimulator to Restore Vision, A Physician and Patient Perspective." Dr. Nader Pouratian and Ms. Diana Vizcarra
In this session, we will explore the opportunities and challenges of directly stimulating the brain to restore vision for people with little or no light perception.
- 3:30 PM "Honoring Senator Fran Pavley."
- 4:05 PM Adjournment
- 4:15 PM Committee on Access and Transportation (CAT) Business Session. Eugene Lozano, Jr., Chair
- 4:15 PM CCB Constitution and Bylaws Committee. Gabe Griffith, Chair
- 4:15 PM First Times' Seminar. Vivian Younger, Membership Committee Chair.
We invite all first timers and those who have not attended a CCB Convention in recent years to attend this session to learn about the California Council of the Blind and ask questions about us.
- 4:15 PM Publications Committee Business Meeting. Linda Porelle, Chair
- 5:15 PM Leadership Dinner. We welcome all members to attend. Judy Wilkinson. Speaker Paul Shane, CCB CEO "Principals of Leadership."
- 7:00 PM Second CCB General Session.
Frank Welte, CCB First Vice President presiding.
- 7:05 PM Credentials Committee Report, Pamela Polagi, Credentials Committee Chair, Temple City, CA.
- 7:20 PM Elections of CCB officers and directors.
- 8:30 PM American Council of the Blind Report, Anthony Stevens, Director of Advocacy and Governmental Affairs.
- 9:00 PM CCB Legislative Report, Jeff Thom, Chair, Governmental Affairs Committee.
- The Resolutions Committee will meet at the close of the General Session.
- Hospitality, hosted by the San Gabriel Valley Chapter will be open from the close of the General Session to 1:00 AM.
Saturday, April 8, 2017
The CCB registration table will be open from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
Exhibits will be on display from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM.
- 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM CCB Presidents' Breakfast. Judy Wilkinson, President and Gabe Griffith, 2nd Vice President.
"Meeting Mojo."
All chapter leaders and aspiring chapter leaders are welcome to attend.
- 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Golden State Guide Dog Handlers GSGDH and Friends (formerly Guide Dog Users of California) Business Meeting. Ken Metz, President.
- 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM California Council of the Blind Students Business meeting, Robyn Patche, President.
- 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Seniors with Vision Loss Committee Program. Vickie Parker, Chair.
"Aging with Dignity and Grace,"
Speakers to be announced. This presentation will discuss nutritional needs of seniors.
- 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM "Sowing Seeds of Empowerment"
Presented by: Survive or Thrive is an experience-based support group by and for students with disabilities and their families.
Presenter: Ann Wai-Yee Kwong, S.O.T. teaches participants to plan and achieve post high school goals via independence and self-advocacy skills, as well as through mentorship.
- 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM Golden State Guide Dog Handlers GSGDH and Friends Program, to be announced.
- 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM California Council of Citizens with Low Vision and CCB Hearing a Vision Impaired (HVI) Committee, Joint Program; (CCCLV) Bernice Kandarian, President, and Committee on Vision and Hearing Impairment (CCB), Mike Keithley, Chair.
"Updates on equipment for persons with hearing and vision impairments." Cathy Kirscher, Southern Region Representative of the Helen Keller National Center, will discuss the National Deaf-Blind Equipment Distribution Program that provides free equipment to hearing/vision impaired individuals and will show new technology available to this population.
- 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM GSGDH Luncheon to be announced.
- 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM Luncheon Presented by the Technology Committee
Come ready to share your favorite Technology Tricks and Tips.
- 1:30 PM Third CCB General Session, Gabe Griffith, CCB 2nd Vice President presiding.
- 1:35 PM Pledge of Allegiance, TBA
- 1:40 PM Department of Rehabilitation update.
- 2:30 PM Report of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee, Gabe Griffith, Chair.
- 3:45 PM Report from Paul Shane, CEO
- 4:15 Adjournment
- 4:30 PM Resource Development Committee, Frank Welte, Chair.
- 4:30 PM Governmental Affairs Committee, Jeff Thom, Chair.
- 4:30 PM CCB Scholarship Committee Business Meeting, Christy Crespin, Chair.
- 4:30 PM Student's Social
- 6:00 PM No Host "Attitude Adjustment Hour."
- 7:00 PM The CCB Banquet.
Join master of ceremonies for awards, presentation, scholarship winners and much much more. Highlight of the evening will be guest speaker Carl Augusto, former CEO, American Foundation for the Blind.
- If needed, the CCB Resolutions Committee will meet directly after the banquet.
- Hospitality will be open from the close of the banquet to 1:00 AM.
Sunday, April 9, 2017
- 7:30 AM Devotional Services.
- 8:30 AM Fourth General Session.
- 8:35 AM Remembrance of CCB members who have passed away since the 2016 Conference and Convention.
- 8:45 AM CCB Business Session. This session will include:
CCB Treasurer's Report, Newel Perry Fund Report, and reports from the Constitution and Bylaws Committee, the Resolutions Committee, as well as reports from other CCB Committees as time permits. Adjournment will be no later than noon.
* * *
Advertising in the Conference and Convention program is available at the following prices:
- Full Page $150.00;
- 1/2 Page ad $75.00;
- 1/4 Page $50.00;
- Two Lines $20.00.
Call the CCB office, (800)-221-6359) to place your advertisement or to acquire information on other options.
California Council of the Blind 2017 Annual Conference and Convention Plated Meals
We have established a special plated meal discount program for the 2017 CCB Conference and Convention.
If you purchase two meals (breakfast, lunch or dinner), you will receive a 5% meal discount for all meals purchased, for three meals you will receive a 10% discount, for four meals a 15% discount, for five meals a 20% discount, for six meals a 25% discount and for seven meals a 30% discount. However, the discount may only be claimed upon your initial registration, whether as part of pre-registration or onsite. For example, if you purchase four meals as part of your initial registration and thus receive a 15% discount, but subsequently buy two more meals, you will not receive any discount for those two meals and must purchase them at their stated price.
In order to take full advantage of this meal discount program, please purchase all of your meals at one time. See the pre-registration form in this announcement for meal prices.
If you have any questions regarding this meal discount, please contact Jennifer Caldeira in the CCB office at 800-221-6359.
Plated meals for Thursday April 6
Note: All dinners include: 100% Columbian Regular & Decaffeinated Coffees, TAZO(R) Tea Collection and Rolls with Butter
CCB Board of Directors Dinner
- Caprese Salad, With Tomato, Mozzarella Slices, Fresh Basil and Balsamic Vinegar dressing
- Tri Tip of Beef, with Natural Au Jus and Mushroom & Onion
2% Au gratin Potatoes
Fresh Vegetable
- Blackberry Ricotta Cheesecake
- Vegetarian option:
Ricotta & Spinach Ravioli
Plated Meals for Friday April 7
Note: All breakfasts include Orange Juice, 100% Columbian Regular & Decaffeinated Coffees & TAZO(R) Tea Collection
Women's Breakfast
- Farmers Market Frittata "Cage Free" Mushrooms, Spinach, Onions, Bell Peppers & Cheese
Chicken Apple Sausage
- Vegetarian option:
Whole Wheat Breakfast Quesadilla
Egg, Tomato, Broccoli, Cheese, aSliced Cucumber & Tomato
Note: All luncheons include Iced Tea or Ice Water and Rolls with Butter
Braille Revival League of California/California Library Users of America Luncheon
International Luncheon
- Roasted Beets Tossed with EVOO, Fresh Herbs, Feta Crumble & Bibb Lettuce
- Sal's Brisket of Beef Baked in Sherry Wine & Fresh Herbs
- Horseradish Smashed Potatoes
- Fresh Vegetable
- Buttermilk Strawberry Shortcake
- Vegetarian Option:
Grilled Herb Polenta with Sundried Tomato Sauce and Roasted Vegetables
CCB Leadership Dinner
- Pear & Endive Salad, with Poached Pear & Candied Walnuts and Port Wine Vinaigrette dressing
- Charred Chicken Breast with California Citrus, Caper Relish
Wild Rice
- Fresh Vegetable
- Warm Apple Pie in Mason jar
- Vegetarian option:
Lentil Nut Loaf
Lentils, Breadcrumbs, Baked Onions, Bell Peppers, Mozzarella, Egg Whites,
Walnuts, Spices, Non Dairy Gravy
Plated Meals for Saturday April 8
Presidents' Breakfast
- Chive Scrambled Eggs "Cage Free" Breakfast Potato and Applewood Smoked Bacon
- Vegetarian option:
Whole Wheat Burrito, with Rice, Refried Beans, Bell Pepper And Melon Garnish
Golden State Guide Dog Handlers Luncheon
Technology Luncheon
- Caesar Salad, with Romaine Leaf, Parmesan Cheese, Garlic Crouton Cluster and Caesar Dressing or Lemon Oregano Dressing
- Grilled Chicken Penne Pasta, Tomato Basil Sauce
- Fresh Vegetable
- Garlic Bread
- Tiramisu
- Vegetarian option:
Baked Vegetable Lasagna layered with Spinach, Broccoli and Carrots
CCB Banquet
- Fresh Garden Salad, with Champagne Strawberry Vinaigrette dressing
- Signature Short Ribs
Braised Beef Ribs with Cherry Tarragon Sauce
- Cauliflower Mash
- Fresh Vegetable
Chocolate Dipped Angel Food Cake, Fruit Compote
- Vegetarian option:
Vegetable Tower
Crispy Risotto Cake layered with Saut�ed Spinach and Roasted Portobello Mushroom, Tomato Coulis
CCB "Annual" 2017 Conference and Convention Pre-Registration
Pre-registration pricing ends at 4 PM on Monday April 3. (Prices in parenthesis are "pay-at-the-door" registration prices.)
Pre-Registration Fee $30. ___
- CCB Board Dinner: $43. ___ ($45.)
- Women's Breakfast: $24. ___ ($26.)
- BRLC/CLUA Lunch $35. ___ ($37.)
- International Luncheon $35. ___ ($37.)
- Leadership Dinner $43. ___ ($45.)
- Presidents' Breakfast $24. ___ ($26.)
- GSGDH Luncheon $35. ___ ($37.)
- Technology Luncheon $35. ___ ($37.)
- Banquet $43. ___ ($45.)
Total Cost of Meals $ _______________
Number of meals purchased _________
Less: Meal Discount Amount $ _________
Please contact Jennifer Caldeira in the CCB office at 800-221-6359 for amount of meal discount
Total amount $ _________
Your Name: __________________________
Mailing Address: ______________________
Phone Number: _______________________
Email address: _______________________
Are you a CCB member? Yes ___ or No ___
List special requests: ___________________
vegetarian meals: ___________________
(Master Card, Visa, Discover, Amer. Exp. cards accepted):
Card Number: _____-_____-_____-_____
Exp. Date: _______
Zip code where credit card statement goes: _________
Program: Braille: _ Large Print: _ Audio: _
sponsorship and marketing opportunities!