{Editor's note: The presence of an asterisk means that the individual served a partial term before the first full term.}
President, Judy Wilkinson, San Leandro (16-18, 1st term)
510-388-5079 c, judy.wilkinson@ccbnet.org
1st Vice President, Frank Welte, San Leandro (16-18, 1st term) 510-541-1442 c, frank.welte@ccbnet.org
2nd Vice President, Gabe Griffith, Concord (*16-17, partial term) 925-768-8195 c, gabe.griffith@ccbnet.org
Secretary, Ardis Bazyn, Burbank (15-17, 1st term)
818 238-9321 ardis.bazyn@ccbnet.org
Treasurer, Peter Pardini, Mill Valley (16-18, 4th term)
415-990-9202 c, peter.pardini@ccbnet.org
Immediate Past President, Jeff Thom, Sacramento (16-??)
916-995-3967 c, jeff.thom@ccbnet.org