By Ardis Bazyn, CCB Secretary
Board Minutes August 9, Adopted September 9
President Judy Wilkinson called the meeting to order. After the roll call, no Board members were absent and 17 participants were on the call. Motions passed to accept the June and July Minutes. Treasurer Lisa Presley-Thomas gave a report on the status of the change-over of the treasury and the bank accounts.
Jeff Thom gave an update for next year's convention during the week of June 6-9. The room rate was $135 including tax. Transportation is easy for most folks. Meal rates will be less. In 2020, we are trying to get the convention in April and the rate will be $145.
The Donor Introduction Invitation letter will be sent shortly after the Labor Day weekend. The luncheon will be November 6, and a document showing our milestones will be shown.
Jeff introduced the new co-chairs for the Governmental Affairs Committee, Alice Turner and Ardis Bazyn. A new CCB advocate to work in Sacramento will be announced in September. A Bay Area regional meeting will be held on September 29 at the San Francisco Lighthouse. Gabe sent out a revised policy on the CCB logo. Vivian Younger explained that the Membership Committee will be contacting chapters and affiliates for the proper person for the membership list. Bonnie Rennie asked for the four goal topics and their short descriptions.
The Board meeting was adjourned at 7:47 pm. The Executive Session followed Immediately. Personnel matters were discussed. A motion passed for trips to Fresno be approved on a trip by trip basis. The Executive session adjourned at 9:23 pm.
Executive Session Minutes September 9, Approved October 11
President Judy Wilkinson opened the meeting. Ardis called the roll and Sharlene Ornelas was absent. Louis Fawcett talked about the process for the next few months. He also sent us the budget for the ongoing Major Gifts Campaign. He answered questions about the process of getting donations. A motion passed to extend Paul Shane's current contract as CEO on a month-to-month basis.
The executive session adjourned at 9:20 pm.
Board Minutes September 13, Approved October 11
President Judy Wilkinson opened the call shortly after 7 PM. After the roll, Sharlene Ornelas was the only one absent. Approximately 16 guests were present. A motion passed to approve the August 9 Minutes as sent. A motion passed to approve the September 9 corrected executive session Minutes as sent. Lisa Presley-Thomas reported the amount of unrestricted funds in the treasury as $158,146.24. A motion passed to accept the treasurer's report as read. Judy stated Paul's contract ends September 19. His contract is now continuing on a month to month contract.
Invitations for the friend building luncheon were sent to over 2200 persons. The case for support paper will be printed with the agenda for the luncheon. Copies of the case for support document will be sent to members. Judy read the proposed budget for the ramp up program, including proposed receipts and expenses.
A motion passed saying that no overtime pay is allowed except when there is written approval from Judy. A motion passed to approve the latest logo policy as sent. A new policy was implemented where approved Minutes will be sent to the office, email lists and webmaster. For now, this year's Minutes should be sent to the webmaster.
Judy mentioned that everyone should write letters or call about the AB 1013, the accessible absentee ballot bill, as soon as possible. Also please contact your Representatives and Senators about the Amerikesh Treaty. Peter is getting married this weekend. Paul, Gabe, and Capitol chapter members participated in the Energy Upgrade California. A grant will go to an organization from the public utilities commission. Rich told of issues with the set-up for the program for the energy upgrade.
After the roll for the executive session, Sharlene and Karen Shrawder were absent. Personnel matters were discussed. The meeting adjourned at 9:36 PM.
Board Minutes October 11, Approved November 8
President Judy Wilkinson opened the meeting shortly after 7 PM. Secretary Ardis Bazyn noted the following Board members were absent: Sharlene Ornelas, Jeff Thom, Paul Pache JR, Karen Shrawder, and Rob Turner. 24 guests were present.
A motion passed to accept the September 13 CCB Minutes. Paul Shane requested termination in 60 days. The Board accepted Paul's 60 day termination request. Agreements on both sides will be signed. In Paul's remaining time, he'll work on the ramp up program, budget for 2019, etc. After his departure, Judy will manage duties as CEO/president as CCB managed previously. CCB will try having volunteers answering calls, Nicole will stay on. Rich asked about access to office for Nov 6. Christy Chrispin asked about a call routing system so volunteers can handle calls. A request for volunteers will go to the list. They may be in office as well.
Judy gave the Major Gifts Ramp Up update. 2300 letters were sent asking potential CCB friends and donors to email or call to sign up for the luncheon. 1100 self-mailer will be sent this week for responses by mail, calls, or emails. Only a dozen or so have signed up thus far. Research gave us a list of donors' income level. CCB Members on the call made comments of concern. It was mentioned that letters should be sent to all members for donations, not just those listed as having a large amount of assets.
CCB received an Energy Upgrade California grant from November 2018 to November 2019 to contact people in hotter parts of the state about energy use. The grant will cover some of our office costs, utilities, etc. We need to reach 12,000 people in CA, and 6,000 need to be reached during the first six months. CCB is starting the interviewing soon for the coordinator position.
A motion passed to accept the treasurer's report. Judy mentioned the past convention budget costs. The upcoming convention budget will be around $50,000. The Convention Committee will be looking at ways to get sponsors and lessen expenses.
Judy received comments from several CCB members who were not receiving their MediCal announcements in accessible format. AB 1013 passed requiring counties to have accessible absentee ballots. Ardis answered questions about the new accessible vote by mail process. Linda mentioned taking advantage of it.
The meeting adjourned at 8:27 PM.
Executive Session Board Meeting October 25, Approved November 8
President Wilkinson called the meeting to order and called the roll. Two members were Absent: Pam Metz and Ardis Bazyn joined midway through. A motion passed to cancel our contract with Development Systems Inc. A motion passed to cancel the "Believe And Achieve" luncheon for November. A motion passed to move forward with an annual appeal letter sent to our mailing lists using email when possible. It was suggested to have the email letter include a link to the button to pay online. We should use giving Tuesday and online crowd funding. Another strategy for raising money is subletting room in the office.
A motion passed to move forward with Dining in the Dark for 2019. Judy discussed formation of the "Phoenix" Committee to discuss how CCB can move forward. This committee of Board and CCB members could look for future fundraising strategies. Jeff Thom, Rob Turner, Gabe Griffith, and Lisa Presley-Thomas will serve on this committee as Board members. Other CCB members will be asked to complete the proposed 8 person committee with Judy being an ex official member. The mini treadmill project will possibly start in the first quarter of next year. We need a committee for planning this business opportunity, possibly contacting SCORE. The EUC grant contract was discussed. A new person has been hired and soon stipend volunteers will be sought.
The meeting concluded at 9 PM.