by Judy Wilkinson
As recently as January, I had assumed I'd begin my column for this summer issue by intoning that I would be beginning my seventh year as BC editor. But
the past few months have brought new beginnings as well as sad, inevitable endings. The loss of two of our CCB giants within two weeks of each other has
put us all in a somber mood. In this issue Frank Welte, president of her home chapter, pays tribute to Winifred Downing who died on April 2. Our fall issue
will feature a tribute to Al Gil who died on April 17. Recently Al told us he had been a CCB member since 1951. Our respectful condolences go to Win's
and Al's families.
As to the new beginnings, in early February, I posted my intentions to run for CCB president. My initial reluctance has been replaced with optimism and
enthusiasm, yes even excitement. I was gratified to be elected by acclamation at our recent CCB convention. I'll be sharing more about my plans when I
write my first column as your president. Just in the last issue, I stated that I would be continuing as editor for the foreseeable future. Well so much
for foreseeing the future! It quickly became obvious that not only wouldn't I have the time to do justice to both positions, but in fact it wouldn't be
appropriate for me to continue as editor. When I first became active again in CCB in 2009, I joined the Publications Committee, and when Mike Keithley
asked to relinquish the BC editorship, I was delighted to step in. Of all the "hats" I've worn over the past six years, the editorship has remained dearest
to my heart. My secret goal was to break Win Downing's record of editing for 10 years! So much for records!
For my final column, I planned to review my favorite articles from the past six years, but (you may be glad to read) time (and space) do not permit. Suffice
to say I'm proud that in some years, we welcomed several previously unpublished contributors. The addition of the associate editorship position so ably
filled by Susan Glass, particularly with her incredible interviews, has enriched our publication. My own columns have presented a wide variety of topics:
some anguished, some thoughtful, some (I like to think) even funny. It was a pleasure to put together material in the historic year of CCB's 80th birthday
and for this, the BC's 60th year. I have had the privilege of working with two fine presidents.
As CCB moves forward, I intend to seek funds to once again publish a longer version of our magazine. To keep the publication vital, vibrant and current,
we seek your suggestions and especially your contributions. (Money would be great, but here I meant articles.)
I would like to conclude by thanking and acknowledging the amazing work of the Publications Committee so charmingly and ably presided over by Linda Porelle.
This committee meets almost monthly; they are totally dedicated and work extremely hard. And we even have fun at our meetings. Their names appear at the
end of each issue.
Now: Drum Roll Please! The name you will see in this space beginning with the fall issue is Mike Keithley, who has graciously agreed to serve once again
as our editor. How lucky we are to have such a capable, conscientious helmsman. But remember, though I'm vacating this space, I won't be far away; beginning
with the fall issue, you'll find me just one column down in the table of contents.