California Connection June 23, 2017

Welcome to the California connection for June 23.

Office Closure Dates

The CCB office will be closed starting on Friday June 30 and reopening on Monday July 10.

From The President

Presidents Call:
Our June presidents call will be held Monday, June 26 at 7 PM.

Dial-in number: 712-770-8014
access code: 127353.

The agenda will include:

  1. Discussion of a fun "gardening" grant.
  2. Canes Across California Updates since the valuable input call.
  3. Web site update.
  4. more.

Support The California Colossals In ACB's Brenda Dillon Memorial Walk

Saturday July 1 at 7 AM will find the CCB team The California Colossals participating in this annual ACB fundraiser.
Sign up yourself as an in-person or virtual walker at the team page: or call Nancy Becker in the ACB Minneapolis office at 612-332-3242
Remember you can designate CCB to receive 50% of your donation.

Celebrations Contest

And The Winner Is!

The Convention Program Committee is pleased to announce that the winner of the contest for creating a theme for the 2018 convention is Olivia Ostergaard who will receive a banquet ticket.

The committee adapted her suggestion so the 2018 conference/convention theme is:
Drum Roll Please!

California Council of the Blind
Celebrating new opportunities and new horizons.

Thanks to the others who submitted such thoughtful ideas.

Attention Californians Attending The ACB Convention

California will no doubt be the largest delegation at the upcoming ACB convention. I have already heard from 50 or 60 people who are planning on attending the convention. We need a chair count if you plan to attend any of the general sessions, but let me know you're attending even if you won't be at those sessions.

Please email or phone me at the contact information provided elsewhere in this message.

When you receive your ACB convention badge, make sure it has a dot on it if you intend to vote. Inform me immediately if you don't have a dot but know yourself to be a CCB member.

Contact information:

Constitution And Bylaws Committee Update

The C&B committee has been hard at work mapping out the process for updating the CCB constitution. After our membership-wide conference call earlier in June we have decided to focus on calling the new document bylaws which will lay out the overall operation for CCB and then move the procedural items in to separate documents that can be updated by the board. We are now moving forward with the actual writing and hope to start having something to share very soon. Finally, a member of the C&B committee will be contacting every chapter or affiliate soon to make sure everyone is kept up to date as well as to receive any feedback.

Telephonic Mentorship Training Program
Presented By The CCB Membership Committee

Date: Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Time: 7:00 to 8:30 PM
Dial-in number: 712-770-8014
Access Code: 127353

Whether you know it or not, someone out there sees you as their mentor. If you would like to learn about how to become a mentor and/or how to find one, this seminar is for you. If you would like to find out about what a mentor is or is not, this training program has your name on it. For those of you who would like to learn about mentorship in the workplace, we would like to hear your smiling inquisitive voice on the call.

During the Mentor Training Program, CCB Committee Core Members will inform you about various aspects of mentoring. The Membership Committee hopes that many of you are planning on attending the Mentorship seminar.
Note: special activities will be included in this training program.

The overall purpose of the CCB Membership Training Program is to provide the CCB members with an opportunity to learn how good mentorship relationships can help strengthen the entire CCB organization.

CCB Board Call Recording

The conference call recording, Board meeting 6-15-17, created on 6/15/2017 has been made available for dial-in access.

To listen to this recording by telephone please dial 1-302-202-1115 and enter Recording ID: 88886141 when prompted for it.

Some recording features are available to you once you're listening.
1 will pause
2 will rewind 1 minute
3 will forward 1 minute.

MuV Demonstration

Looking for a new, safe and comfortable way to get daily exercise?

The California Council of the Blind and ontheMuV® want to share the prototype of the world's first motorized mini-treadmill - used while seated - for a safe and comfortable cardio workout.

"I love it because I don't have to think about it. I just sit at my desk or in my easy chair and move my feet at a fairly slow pace. But I get the benefits of full-sized treadmills."
Judy Wilkinson, President California Council of the Blind

Your input is important!
Come try out the new MuV and you will be automatically entered to win a free unit!

Drop-ins can be accommodated, but better to call Hyla 310-927-8883 or email to set an appointment for July 3rd, 4th or 5th in the Fremont Room.

ACB Raffle Tickets

How does a cool 5k in your pocket sound?
Well, if you want to support the Braille Forum and win a chance to make $5,000, $1,000, or $500 at the same time, then consider purchasing a Braille Forum raffle ticket. The tickets are $50, and up to five names can be placed on each ticket.

If you or your chapter would like to purchase a ticket, you can send a check to Jeff Thom, at 7414 MoonCrest Way, Sacramento, 95831 and I will submit your ticket and give you your stub.
Thanks for considering the support of the Braille Forum.

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