California Connection June 09, 2017

Welcome to the California connection for June 9.

From The President

Testing Democracy Live Voting Program RAVBM (Remote Access Vote By Mail) for our San Mateo Legal Case.
This is different from the similar test being conducted during a similar timeframe by the Secretary of State's office.

CCB has undertaken to provide testers for this voting program. The turn around time is short: contact me by close of business Monday, June 12. You must return your test results by Monday June 19. We need users of the four main screen reading programs: JAWS, WindowEyes, NVDA and VoiceOver as well as magnification programs ZoomText and Magic.
Testing begins Wednesday June 14. Participants will receive instructions.

Contact me no later than Monday and include in the body of your message your email address, phone number and which screen reading program(s) you will be using.

Board Meeting

Our next board meeting will be held Thursday, June 15 at 7 PM.

Call-in number 712-770-8014
access code 127353.

Agenda items include:

  • office move update;
  • convention update;
  • convention treasurer's report;
  • and much more.

Support The California Colossals In ACB's Brenda Dillon Memorial Walk

Saturday July 1 at 7 AM will find the CCB team The California Colossals participating in this annual ACB fundraiser.
Sign up yourself as an in-person or virtual walker at the team page: or call Nancy Becker in the ACB Minneapolis office at 612-332-3242.
Remember you can designate CCB to receive 50% of your donation.

Celebrations Contest

You could attend the 2018 CCB convention banquet for free if you submit the winning theme for our 2018 conference/convention. Include the notion of "Celebrations" in your submission.

The deadline is Wednesday, June 21. The winning theme will be selected by the Convention Program Planning Committee at its meeting on Thursday June 22 in time for announcement in that week's Connection.

Send suggestions to Program Chair Jeff Thom at or his cell phone 916-995-3967.

Attention Californians Attending The ACB Convention

California will no doubt be the largest delegation at the upcoming ACB convention. We need a chair count if you plan to attend any of the general sessions, but let me know you're attending even if you won't be at those sessions.

Please email or phone me at the contact information provided elsewhere in this message.

When you receive your ACB convention badge, make sure it has a dot on it if you intend to vote. Inform me immediately if you don't have a dot but know yourself to be a CCB member.

Contact information:

Convention Audio

Special thanks to Steve Aminoff for getting the 2017 convention audio archives together.

The Audio Archive page is now live with the 2017 Conference and Convention update.
The direct link is:

California Council of Blind Students Affiliate Call

Please join the California Council of Blind Students for our monthly conference call. There will be a board meeting first with a membership call after.

date and time: Sunday June 4 at 7:00 PM
Call in number: (302) 202-1114
conference code: 694810

Glendale Burbank Area Chapter Fundraiser

The Glendale Burbank Area Chapter will be hosting a fund raiser on June 22 at the Burbank CPK located at: 601 N. San fernando Road, cross street Cypress
phone: 818-972-2589.

This is an all day fund raiser for which you will need to show a flier.
For further information call Jim at (818)445-2603.

ACB Raffle Tickets

How does a cool 5k in your pocket sound?
Well, if you want to support the Braille Forum and win a chance to make $5,000, $1,000, or $500 at the same time, then consider purchasing a Braille Forum raffle ticket. The tickets are $50, and up to five names can be placed on each ticket.

If you or your chapter would like to purchase a ticket, you can send a check to Jeff Thom, at 7414 MoonCrest Way, Sacramento, 95831 and I will submit your ticket and give you your stub.
Thanks for considering the support of the Braille Forum.

Accessible Vote By Mail

The Secretary of State Office of Voting Systems Technology Assessment (OVSTA) will be testing a remote accessible vote by mail system (Democracy Lives' Secure Select 1.0).
They are seeking volunteer testers over the duration of three (3) days from June 14 to June 16, 2017.

  • The testing will take place at either the residence of the volunteer or a predetermined neutral location.
  • A maximum of 25 volunteers per day. The volunteers will be provided a time slot.
  • Feedback and/or questions will be captured over the phone or in the online survey.
  • The testing will be remote. Volunteers can test from their homes or any location they are comfortable with that has internet access, a device to ccess the internet, and any auxiliary devices and/or screen readers the volunteers use on a regular basis for accessing the internet.
  • They can live anywhere within California.

The testing will take approximately one and a half hours (1.5).
Each volunteer will vote three separate ballots and respond to a survey about the experience.

If you have any questions regarding testing, please contact OVSTA at (916) 695-1680 or

Thank you for reading,

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