California Connection May 19, 2017

Welcome to the California connection for May 19.

President's Call

There will not be a President's call in May. Judy will be contacting presidents individually.

Items For Sale

1 Santana tandem bike for sail asking $1,400. It is blue, about 15 years old and in top condition. It has a miner dent, and one scratch. Recently serviced

Talking thermostat for sail asking $40

A braille writer for sail asking $400.00 recently serviced and cleaned

All prices are negotiable

For more information, contact Margie at or call 916-293-9505

Open House

Twin Vision Library open house
When: Sunday June 4, 12:00 to 4:00 PM
Where: 18440 Oxnard ST.

For more information call (818)343-2022 or email

Job Opening
Disability Access Coordinator

The City of Oakland is currently recruiting to fill a Disability Access Coordinator vacancy.

Click the following link to the City of Oakland job opportunities page, where you can find the full job announcement and application:

Thank you for reading,
Have a nice day

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