California Connection March 10, 2017

Welcome to the California connection for March 10.

Conference Announcement

The Convention announcement is now online at:

Join us at the 2017 CCB Conference and Convention as we begin a new era for the California Council of the Blind. Our 2017 conference and convention theme, "New Challenges, New Opportunities" says it all and we hope to see you there on April 6-9 2017.

Hotel registration is now open for the 2017 Conference and Convention at the Hilton Woodland Hills/Los Angeles Hotel, located at: 6360 Canoga Ave, Woodland Hills, CA 91367.

The hotel is accepting reservations at this time by phone (866-288-3310) or via the hotel website.

When calling, please mention the California Council of the Blind (CCB) SRP CODE: "CBL" in order to get the $105 all-inclusive room rate of guest room tax.

The room rate of $105 all-inclusive of guest room tax will be honored starting Wednesday April 5th and concluding on Monday April 10th, 2017 for a total of 5 nights.

For those considering coming to the convention on Wednesday, CCB will be holding a fundraiser at a nearby BJ's Restaurant and Brew house from 4 to 10 PM.

In order to assign specific room types to attendees, the hotel has requested that all room requests be received no later than March 22nd, 2017. After that date, We cannot guarantee that rooms will remain available.

Please share this information with chapters, statewide affiliates, and other interested parties.
We look forward to seeing you and making the 2017 CCB Conference and Convention the best ever!

Convention Transportation Options

The following presents information on transportation options for the 2017 Conference and Convention.

The Burbank Bob Hope Airport is the nearest (18 miles) airfield to the Hilton Woodland Hills/Los Angeles Hotel, the site of the April 6th - 9th Convention.

There are several transportation service options for traveling between the airport and hotel, which are: Shuttle services, taxicabs, Uber, Lyft, and Access Services.

Shuttle service and taxi cabs are located on the pedestrian islands immediately in front of the Burbank Airport terminal, and operate to and from the Airport.

Shuttle service operators are:

  • SuperShuttle (1-800-660-6042),
  • Road Runner Shuttle and Limousine Service (1-800-247-7919),
  • and Prime Time Shuttle (1-800-733-8267).

The current round-trip Supershuttle price is $52. For those flying into LAX, the current Supershuttle price is $64, although you can save $3 from both airports by making Supershuttle reservations online at

Taxicab operators are:

  • Yellow Cab and Checker Cab (1-800-750-4400),
  • United Taxi (1-800-892-8294),
  • and City Cab (1-800-848-1000).

Those who are Uber or Lyft users will need to contact directly both companies to learn about scheduling and fares, but quotes we received from Burbank were Uber $23 and Lyft $25-31.

For those folks traveling to either Los Angeles or Burbank airports, Amtrak or Greyhound for the 2017 CCB Conference and Convention, the following information may be helpful if you are a current ADA qualified Para transit rider in your local area and wish to use Para transit while at the Woodland Hills Hilton Hotel.

The Para transit group in the Los Angeles Area is called Access Services.
You can call (1800) 827-0829 and press option 1, Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM.
You will then let them know that you have Para transit in your local city, and that you are requesting visitor status. They will give you all of the information along with a fax number to have your local Para transit provider send your current eligibility status.
Make sure that you check a day or so later (business days only) at the same number in order to be certain that your information was received and put into the system.
You will then be given instructions on how to use the service as a visitor.
The current fares are $2.75 per trip up to 19.9 miles, and $3.50 per trip from 20 miles and beyond.
At LAX, there is a blue Access sign outside each terminal. At the Burbank Airport, you must go out by the Taxi Stand.

Candidate Statements For The 2017 Officer And Board Of Directors Election

The California Council of the Blind 2017 Board candidate statements are now on the CCB website.

Get to know who is running and what their future plans are for CCB!

If you require an alternate format of this candidate information, please contact the CCB Office at 800-221-6359 with your request.

Remember that there will be additional opportunities to learn about the candidates at the Candidates Forum during the first general session on Friday afternoon, April 7, at the 2017 Conference and Convention.

Convention Roommate Request

Hello my name is Jordan Mirander and I am seeking a roommate for the 2017 California council of the blind convention in Woodland Hills.
I will be arriving on April 6 and departing on April 9.

Please get in touch with me as soon as possible by calling 95145475864 or by emailing me at
I have made my reservations already and I am going. Please contact me for more information.

CCB Conference Call Recordings:

The conference call recording, Board meeting 3-9-17, created on 3/9/2017 has been made available for dial-in access.
To listen to this recording by telephone please dial 1-302-202-1115 and enter Recording ID: 56626839 when prompted for it.

The conference call recording, President call 2-28-17, created on 2/28/2017 has been made available for dial-in access.
To listen to this recording by telephone please dial 1-302-202-1115 and enter Recording ID: 91561521 when prompted for it.

Some recording features are available to you once you're listening.
1 will pause
2 will rewind 1 minute
3 will forward 1 minute

CCB Scholarships

The CCB Scholarship Committee has placed the 2017-2018 scholarship application on the CCB website, thanks to the assistance of the TOG. It will be available and due no later than the close of business on Monday, May 15, 2017, with transcripts and letters due no later than July 1, 2017.

If you are a full time student, from in-coming freshman to graduate student, please apply at your earliest convenience.

For questions contact Christy at (909)800-7189 or

Please click on the link below for the application and instructions:

Amazon Smile

CCB is now on Amazon smile. Just follow the below link and sign in as you normally would and now when you shop CCB will get a portion of every dollar spent.

Please share this link widely.

Glendale Burbank Chapter Fund Raiser

Come join us for a dinner, fundraiser on March 20th from 5pm to 8pm at Shakey's Pizza Parlor 1300 N San Fernando Blvd, Burbank.

For more information contact Jim Chamberlin at (818)445-2603.

Conference Call From The CCB HVI Committee: Presentation By Kathy Lions

We are starting a series exploring some vision and hearing conditions that may result in dual sensory loss.

Kathy Lions will start off by sharing her rare conditions called Ornithine Amino Transferase (OAT) deficiency and the eye condition called gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina. The symptoms are like those of retinitis pigmentosa.

As we learn about these and the conditions we will learn about in our future resource calls, it will help us to understand how we are unique, and in some ways, not so different in accommodation needs to lead our full lives.

Time permitting; Tom Brennan will repeat a bit about the outer and inner ear as the recording may not have been available or clear for that presentation.

Join CCB's Hearing and Vision Impaired Committee:
Date: Sunday, March 19, 2017; time: 5 PM pacific/ 8 PM Eastern;
Phone # (712) 432-3447 ID: 309464.

We encourage you to sign up for our email list where we post resources we have discussed and where you can share your resources and experiences.
Go to

Student Education Access Grant

Applications are now available for THE 2017 STUDENT EDUCATION ACCESS GRANT, which is awarded annually to A legally blind student ages 8-18 who lives in the following counties: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Solano, or Sonoma.

The San Francisco Chapter of CCB will give a grant in the form of technology products worth up to $2,500 to an applicant who meets the criteria listed above and can best demonstrate the need for accessible equipment to enhance their educational opportunities.

A Completed application and essay must be submitted to Charlie Dorris by March 31, 2017.

To request an application and instruction form or for further details contact:
Charlie Dorris: 415-775-0487 (or)
Linda Porelle: 415-586-2622,

Thank you for reading, Have a nice day

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