Contact and Meeting Information
Braille Revival League of California (BRLC)
President and Membership Contact: Frank Welte
Phone: 510-541-1442
Vice President: N/A
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Meeting Location: Virtual, zoom meetings. Annual Business meeting held in conjunction with the cCB Conference and Convention
Meeting Time: Contact the president for meeting dates and times.
BRLC promotes the widespread production, teaching, use and availability of Braille as the primary medium of literacy for all blind and visually impaired people as much as possible. We encourage all blind people to read and write Braille with confidence and pride. We celebrate Braille’s value as a practical, versatile method of personal and professional communication and record keeping.
California Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss (CAAVL)
President: Frank Welte
Phone: 510-541-1442
Vice President: Jeff Thom
Phone: 916-995-3967
Membership Contact: Christy Crespin
Meeting Time: Usually 4:00 PM, the third Saturday
Meeting Location: Virtual: Zoom Cloud Meetings
CAAVL is an active, inclusive and supportive community of older persons who are blind that fosters each person’s ability to thrive with vision loss and to share his or her gifts with the other members of the community.
We promote the acceptance, accommodation and full inclusion of older blind individuals by all segments of society in California and beyond. We are particularly committed to advocating for a vast increase in the availability of blindness rehabilitation services for older blind adults.
Our weekly support group is a great place to make friends and share information.
California Council of the Blind Students
President and Membership Contact: Aaron Espinoza
Phone: 661-237-8404
Vice President: Matthew Gip
Phone: 559-375-2068
Meeting Time: 7:00 PM
Meeting Day of the week each month: 1st Sunday
Meeting Location: Zoom Meeting
The California Council of Blind Students affiliate (CCBS) welcomes students from all educational levels, blindness philosophies, and diverse backgrounds. We connect students with experienced CCB members willing to assist with employment, education, and Department of Rehabilitation challenges. Fundamentally, we are a membership organization aligned with the California Council of the Blind. We make decisions democratically, together, as we advocate for social inclusion.
California Council of Citizens with Low Vision (CCCLV)
President and membership contact: Penny Valdovinos
Phone: 661-378-8282
Vice-President: Diane Deutsch
Phone: 661-342-8500
Meeting Location: CCCLV Board Meetings on Zoom
Meeting Time/Day: 6 pm 1st Monday of each month
California Diabetics in Action (CDA)
President: Christy Crespin
Phone: 9098007189
Vice President: Olivia "Livvie" Ostergaard
Phone: 559-978-5755
Meeting Location: virtual via Zoom
Meeting Day of the week: Saturday
Meeting Time : announced and calendared three times per year
Meeting ID: 912 767 0418 Passcode: myccb City : Virtual State : CA Zip code :
1 tap mobile:
California Library Users of America (CLUA)
President and Membership Contact: Pamela Metz
Phone: 818-882-3610
Vice President: Lynette Kersey
Phone: 541-831-0048
Meeting Location: At CCB Convention. Please check with an affiliate representative to learn of other meetings held throughout the year.
California Library Users of America (CLUA) is an affiliate of CCB.
We advocate for Blind and visually impaired library users across the state of California to insure that all libraries are accessible. We read a lot of books, and I mean a lot of books. We hold a book discussion 3 times a year, and we try to come up with different topics. All of us believe in CLUA an will continue to work to make sure that all the libraries work with this organization.
Golden State Guide Dog Handlers, Inc. (GSGDHI)
President: Frank Welte
Vice President and membership contact: Vivian Younger
Meeting Location: One membership meeting per quarter. One of those meetings will be held in conjunction with the annual CCB Conference and Convention and the remaining will be held telephonically. All meetings will have a Zoom option.
GSGDHI is an active affiliate with over 50 members who are joined together with a common mission – supporting those who have chosen or want to learn more about the guide dog team lifestyle. We do this through advocacy, working to insure the rights and safety of guide dog handlers. We offer powerful and Thought-provoking virtual and in-person programs that tap into experts in the field and our own expertise. There are many networking opportunities through our virtual Lounge, Peer to Peer meetings, the Forward newsletter and members share insights, fun stories and challenges through our email list. There is a place for everyone in GSGDHI, and most of all, we have fun!
Our Members meetings are virtual, and when possible, we meet in person at annual CCB conferences. Contact us at:
Inclusive Diversity of California (IDC)
President: Regina Brink
Phone: 408-409-6634
Vice President: Pamela Metz
Phone: 408-409-6634
Membership Contact: Joe Green
Meeting Location and Time: One membership meeting every six months. One of those meetings may be held in conjunction with the annual CCB Conference and Convention and the other will be held telephonically.
Celebrating Unity, Honoring Diversity--
- assists people of color to obtain information on living with vision loss;
- advocates for racial and ethnic justice for all blind and low vision Californians;
- promotes cultural awareness in a safe mutually respectful atmosphere;
- encourages allies to join us in advancing equity for all people;
- collaborates with other communities and organizations striving toward social justice.
Randolph Shephard Vendors of California (RSVC)
President and Membership Contact: Paul Patche II
Phone: 916-662-0861
Vice President: Tristen Kalley
Phone: 510-415-7842
Meeting Location: Zoom Meeting
Time: 1:30 - 3:30 pm
Meeting Day of the week each month: The 1st Sunday
Phone Number of Meeting Location: 916-662-0861