Mike Keithley
O dear, summer's over! Walks are getting shorter, picnics are fewer, book clubs were fun, but now theyre done. It's Back to school, work, ho-hum, hum-ho. And after all that, the fall Blind Californian just arrived in your hands.
And it's packed with fall things like President Wilkinson's message about remembering to will something to CCB, Gabe Griffith's detailed report on how CCB'S Constitution and Bylaws need to be updated with the expectation that you'll help the process, a profile of the San Diego Braille Club from Susan Glass, Cathy Skivers description of her participation in the Braille Challenge last spring, a poem or two, and more! And be sure to read Gabe Griffith's "My Roller Coaster Ride." You'll be wishing him successful living for sure.