California Connection November 03, 2017

Welcome to the California connection for November 3.

Editor's Note

Due to the office move the next connection will be released on Thursday November 9th. As usual the deadline for getting submissions in will be 5:00 PM on Wednesday November 8.

CCB Office Move

The CCB Office Move will take place from Friday, November 10 - Monday, November 13, 2017. We will most likely not have phones or internet during this transition and hope to be back online by Tuesday, November 14. 2017.

CCB Board Meeting Recording

The conference call recording, Board meeting 11-2-17, created on 11/2/2017 has been made available for dial-in access.

To listen to this recording by telephone please dial 1-302-202-1115 and enter Recording ID: 10250587 when prompted for it.

Some recording features are available to you once you're listening.

1 will pause
2 will rewind 1 minute
3 will forward 1 minute

Redwood Empire Chapter Announcement

CCB President Judy Wilkinson will speak at the November meeting of the Redwood Empire Chapter.

When: Saturday November 11, 2017 from 12 noon to 3 PM
Where: Earle Baum Center of the Blind, 4539 Occidental Road, room #3, Santa Rosa, Ca

Pizza and soda lunch costs $5. Anyone wishing to join us must RSVP by noon on Wednesday, November 8, 2017 to Larry Hall at

Thank you for reading and Have a nice day

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