California Connection November 17, 2017

Welcome to the California connection for November 17.

Editor's Note

Please note due to the Thanks Giving holiday there will not be a connection on November 24th. the next connection will be released on December 1st. Happy Thanks Giving.

Bayview Chapter Christmas Party

You are cordially invited to the Bayview Christmas party to be held on December 9 from 2:00 to 6:00 PM at the East bay center for the Blind, 2928 Adeline ST in Berkeley.
The cost is $20. We will have a brief installation to welcome our new officers.

To make reservations, contact Cathie Skivers at (510)357-1986 by December 1st.

San Gabriel Valley Chapter Christmas Party

The San Gabriel Valley Chapter invites you to our 2017 Christmas party at Marie Callenders Restaurant, in the City of Industry. to be held On Saturday
December 16th, from 4 til 7:00 p.m.
The cost will be $20 per person, which will need to be mailed and received no later than Saturday, December 9th.

To RSVP, get more dinner details, and where to mail your check, please call Steve or Pattie Aminoff by phone: 626-445-6727, No emails please.

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you there.

CCB Survey

We are seeking your input for the C CB member survey. The survey contains about 30 questions and may take up to a half hour to complete.
The survey can be completed here.

We look forward to receiving your thoughts.

Bylaws Update

The bylaws committee has put together the below proposed preamble for the new bylaws. Please give any feedback you have to bylaws committee chair Gabe Griffith by phone at (925) 768-8195 or by email at

We, the blind citizens of California, having established in 1934 the California Council of the Blind as an organization dedicated to the full equality and opportunity in society for blind and low-vision Californians, and now seeking through revision of our governing document to renew our organization and our commitments in response to the demands of today's changing world, do hereby:

- establish these bylaws to reflect continuity with the values and principles that have historically defined our organization;

- reiterate our commitment to a self-governing organization in which people who are blind and low vision are the supreme authority in our organization, maintaining control over their own decisions and lives;

- develop mechanisms for acquiring the necessary management, fund-raising, legal, financial and technological expertise to assure the viability and success of the organization and to maximize its ability to meet the challenges of the future; and

- devise administrative and accountability structures to ensure that this delegated expertise is utilized in ways that maximize its effectiveness and that preserve membership authority and control.

San Francisco Chapter Meeting

You are invited to the next meeting of the San Francisco Chapter of the California Council of the Blind.

Date: Saturday, November 18, 2017
Time: 10:30 AM.
Location: LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Multipurpose Room, 1155 Market Street, 10th Floor San Francisco.

November's speaker, Rachel Feinberg, will demonstrate the Orbit Reader 20, a new, low cost refreshable Braille display.

Contact Frank Welte at least three days prior to the meeting if you want to reserve an assistive listening device. His Email address is, and his cell phone number is (510) 541-1442.

Our meetings are also accessible by telephone. The conference phone number is (302) 202-1110. The meeting code is 340741.

EAST LA Chapter Thanks Giving Feast

On November 18th from 10:30 to 2 our chapter will be holding their annual thanks giving dinner at the Garcia home 1226 McBride Ave East LA cross Olympic.
Turkey, ham and all the fixings for $5. Drinks an additional charge.

You MUST RSVP by November 14th by 10pm. RSVP 626.656.5405

EAST LA Christmas Party

The Christmas Party is on December 2nd from 10 to 2pm and will be held at Ozzie dinner and hideaway 7780 Slauson Ave. Commerce cross Telegraph. Entrance in back.

Meal is $24. MUST RSVP with meal choice by November 25th at 10pm. 626.656.5405

Thank you for reading and Have a nice day

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