2017 Legislative Reports

April 2017 CCB Legislative Report

This is the CCB Legislative Report for April 2017 Prepared by Jeff Thom, Chair, Governmental Affairs Committee.

There is a great deal happening these days in Sacramento and that means that we need to get all of you up to date and ready to advocate.

SSI payments

As you may know, CCB is the only organization of people who are blind or have low vision actively participating in a statewide coalition to increase SSI payments in California, (Californians for SSI).

In this regard, Last summer's revenue projections for this coming 2017-18 budget appeared to show a down-turn. A few days ago, however, projections indicated that a $1.1 billion surplus would be available. Coupled with the fact that, at least for this coming fiscal year, it looks almost certain that large Medicaid cuts will not occur, we are working hard to persuade the Legislature and the Governor to increase state payments for SSI beneficiaries. The Governor's May 12 revision of his state budget may well be decisive in terms of his supporting an increase in SSI payments.

I have included information with a link to the Governor's office to ask for an increase in SSI. It contains an accessible form that can be filled out. However, to use the link, you will probably need to copy the link into your browser.
You can also use this shortened link:

AB1103 - Bicycle Legislation

Turning to AB1103, the bill that would allow bicycles to roll through stop signs or turn at a stop sign when the rider feels it is safe to do so, we are working hard for its defeat. Law enforcement opposition is also beginning to surface. We encourage people to attend the hearing on the bill in the Assembly Transportation Committee and express your opposition.

The hearing is on May 8 at 2:30 PM in Room 4202 of the Capitol. If you can't attend, call the committee at 319-2093. The chair is Jim Frazier.

AB1705 - State Guide Dog Board

The battle to end the existence of the State Guide Dog Board is Heating up. This week, Guide Dogs for the Blind joined CCB and NFBC to oppose AB1705. Already, we have won a small victory, asAB1705, which would have extended the board for four more years, was amended in the Assembly Business and Professions Committee to limit the extension to two years.

Although our focus will be on derailing the bill in Senate, which will require all of your work this summer, we will keep you up-to-date on our efforts in the next few weeks while it is still in the Assembly.

Whether you own a guide dog or not, I would urge you to call your state Assemblymember and let them know this board is no longer necessary and should be abolished.

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