California Connection February 09, 2018

Welcome to the California connection for February 9.

CCB Board Of Directors Elections:

At the 2018 Convention in March, CCB will be electing president, 1st vice-president, treasurer and four members to its board of directors.

Prospective candidates are invited to provide information on their qualifications for, and ideas about serving on, the CCB board. We will again have a candidates page on our website. For those who cannot access information through our website or are not comfortable doing so, statements will be placed in the special announcements box of the phone system. It is our goal to have this webpage up by March 1.

Guidelines for submissions can be found in the past two editions of The Connection.

It's CCB Awards Time:

As our 2018 CCB Conference and Convention is less than two months away, it is time for individual members, chapters and/or affiliates to give input to the 2017 awards which will be given out at the banquet on Saturday evening, March 24.

Recipients for the Hall of Fame, Community Service, CCB Distinguished Service, Legislator of the Year and Merit awards may be nominated by any member, chapter or affiliate.

Descriptions of the awards may be found in the past two issues of The Connection.

If you want to nominate someone but are not sure which award category to choose, write a nomination letter anyway. Mail your letter for award nominations to Ken Metz: no later than Thursday, February 15, 2018.

Call him with questions at (818)882-3610or cell 323-793-1805.

Therefore Be It Resolved:

It's time to submit those resolutions. If you have an issue that you think is important for CCB to get involved with we urge you to submit it to us as a resolution. You can send it to this year's chair Gabe Griffith at or call him at (925)768-8195.

Convention Announcement And Pre-registration Form:

The CCB Conference/Convention Announcement and pre-registration form are now live on our website. Those needing assistance should call the office though we may take your name and call back to complete the form.

Don’t Forget New Special Convention Events:

Fun Free River Walk Deadline Coming Up:

Those wishing to participate in the free Sunday afternoon River Walk at the conclusion of the convention, must sign up by Thursday, February 15. The numbers are creeping up, but we only have around a dozen, and we need a minimum of 20.

This sign up is separate from the preregistration form. Here is the direct link:

Planting in the Dark $53 on Tuesday March 20:

Gong Bath Friday Morning 10:00 Am $15 are both on the preregistration form.

Braille Preconvention Announcement SNAFU:

Due to a breakdown in her printer, Elena Thomason, who usually produces our braille convention materials, was only able to produce half of what we need. We mailed out those and have found another group to complete the process. If you didn’t get your braille copy, it will be coming as soon as we can possibly manage. We regret this unavoidable delay.

Convention Hotel Information:

Rooms at the Marriott for Wednesday and Sunday nights are sold out! Plenty of rooms are still available for Thursday - Saturday. If you wish a room for Wednesday or Sunday, call the office for overflow hotel information.

Reservations: (1) Can be made by calling 1-800-228-9290, or 916-638-1100 (2) Can be made through the following custom URL

** Group Reservation Rate cut off date is March 1, 2018.

Female Convention Roommate Request:

From: Anita van der Linden:
Greetings, I am looking for a roommate for the upcoming CCB convention.
I will be staying from March 22nd through March 25th.
A guide dog handler is not a problem, but a nonsmoker please.
If you are interested please email me at
Or by phone at 562 806-2627.
Thank you

Another Bylaws Draft:

The constitution and bylaws committee has a new draft. Look for it to be distributed through the CCB email lists by Monday February 12. We will be sending it in braille and large print again. Please call the CCB office to put your name on the list for one of these formats. If you are not on one of the lists it is being distributed to please ask your chapter or affiliate president.

We are also having another call for everyone to come discuss the new draft. The call in information is:

Date: Thursday February 22nd
Time: 7:00 PM
Dial-in Number: (515)603-4905
Access Code: 680168

San Gabriel Valley Chapter Fund Raiser:

The San Gabriel Valley Chapter invites you to join us for our 33rd annual Pizza and Spaghetti Fundraiser!

Date: Saturday, February 17, 2018
Time: 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Location: VFW Hall, 825 South Magnolia Avenue, Monrovia (cross street is Chestnut)
Cost: only $10.00 per ticket, from SGVC Chapter members or at the door.

Your admission ticket includes a delicious pizza and Spaghetti dinner and many opportunities to leave with an exciting prize.

The grand prize this year is an Amazon Echo Plus; there will be door prizes and a 50/50 raffle.

For more information please contact President Phil Obregon at (909) 468-1424 or email

Thank you in advance. Your attendance will support both our chapter and the California Council of the Blind.

CCB Scholarships:

Attention All Students:
The CCB Scholarship Committee is proud to announce the opening period for the 2018-2019 CCB Scholarship application process. From February 1-May 15, any student residing in CA who is legally blind may apply if attending school full time. The student may attend vocational training or college outside California. There are scholarships for all areas including Government and Fine Arts.

For more information please visit the CCB website: and look for the CCB Scholarship Application link. If you have questions please contact Christy Crespin, chair, through the email address, with the words “Scholarship Application Question” in the subject line.

CCLVI Announces The Dr. Sam Genensky Video Magnifier Memorial Awards - Application Now Available:

The Council of Citizens with Low Vision International (CCLVI) announces the Dr. Sam Genensky Video Magnifier Memorial Awards. At least 3 video magnifiers will be awarded to children and adults in 2018.

To read the award guidelines and complete an on-line application, please visit

To submit an application, complete the following steps: 1) register,, 2) log in, and 3) complete the application. Links are available for each of these steps from the url above. Applications may be submitted through March 31, 2018 at 11:59 PM EST.

Thank you for reading and Have a nice day

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