California Connection March 09, 2018

Welcome to the California connection for March 9.

CCB Office Hours:

Remember that the CCB office hours are still 9AM-4PM to accommodate all of your convention support needs.

Join The Candidates:

Meet and talk with CCB candidates.
If you are considering running for a CCB office, even if you didn’t write a candidate statement, meet our CCB members.

This is our only gathering to talk with candidates. There will be no candidates forum at the convention.

Jeff Thom moderator
When: Sunday, March 11
Time: 2:30 - 4:00 PM
Dial-in number: 712-775-8968
access code: 497700


From Gabe Griffith, bylaws committee chair:
I am planning to send out one more draft of the proposed bylaws this weekend. If you want it in braille or large print please call the office by Tuesday March 13. Please send any feedback to me at or call me at (925) 768-8195.

Convention Announcement And Pre-registration Form:

The CCB Conference/Convention Announcement and pre-registration form are now live on our website.
Those needing assistance should call the office though we may take your name and call back to complete the form.

** Deadline for preregistration is Friday March 16.

If you still want to attend the convention and need a hotel room please call the office for overflow hotel information.

We have limited amounts of signed cookbooks from Christine Ha and limited numbers of CCB hooded sweatshirts available so please be sure to purchase them when registering for the convention if at all possible.

** Updated Ground Transportation To The Convention:


Fax eligibility to Paratransit directly from your Paratransit to 916 429 2415. Call to follow-up about 1 hour after faxing to confirm receipt at 916 429 2744. This is also the number to make your reservations. This process should be done no closer than three weeks prior to traveling. You can make your reservations up to two days in advance. The cost from the airport is $10 each way and from the train and other points of transportation is $5.00. The airport is more because it is outside of the service areas.

Uber And Lyft:

Uber, one of our convention sponsors, will be issuing $ up to 2500 in subsidies. These will be up to $10 per ride and 5 rides per person. We are awaiting a code from Uber and will let you know as soon as we have it.

From SMF Airport to hotel: Uber ranges from $29 to $39, and Lyft is $32 to $39.
From Greyhound to hotel: Uber and Lyft are both $22 to $27.
From Mega bus to hotel: Uber is $13 to $19, and Lyft is $14 to $19.
From Amtrak hotel: Uber is $19 to $25, and Lyft is $22 to $25.


Super Shuttle from the Airport to Hotel:
One way fare costs $43, and round trip is $84 (Note: if you download the Super Shuttle App on your smartphone and reserve your ride from the app, put in the Code App10 to save 10%).

Sunset Shuttle from the airport to hotel:
This requires full payment in advance. They do groups of 9 passengers, which is $92 dollars per van. The group rate must be arranged in advanced to reserve the nine passenger van.

Mega bus:
If you use Mega bus, it will drop you at the 65th Street Light Rail station. It is highly recommended you use Uber or Lyft from here. You can transfer to Light Rail, however, this station has no personnel for assistance. If you elect to take Light Rail from 65th Street, please board from the platforms for people with disabilities so that you can connect with the train operator. As explained below regarding Light Rail from Amtrak, please follow the same procedures.

From Amtrak to Light Rail to hotel:

To use Light Rail if you are coming from the Bay Area, I believe you can still get a transfer to Light Rail. I do not know about other trains. When you board the train, let the conductor know that you will need assistance to Light Rail. If you need to purchase a ticket, the Amtrak personal will help you as they escort you to the Light Rail. The ticket is $1.35 each way . They usually use a cart so that they can transport several at a time. The transfer is about one block to the Light Rail ramp, and it has ramps for passengers with disabilities, which I highly recommend you use. This is the only way you will connect with the Light Rail operator. When boarding Light Rail, let the operator know that you want off at the Sunrise stop, and ask the operator what time the train will arrive. You will then need to call the CCB Volunteer desk to let them know what time you will arrive at Sunrise, and a volunteer will meet you. (The volunteer desk phone number will be forthcoming on the California Connection closer to convention.)


I do not recommend taxies from the airport as the fare will be around $90 one way.
I am unsure of the taxi from Amtrak, but I know that Uber and Lyft are much more inexpensive.

Therefore Be It Resolved:

Whereas, resolutions are a major part of how CCB decides what to work on over the next year: and
Whereas, we are now accepting resolution submissions for 2018: now, therefor, be it
Resolved, that if you have a resolution to submit, send it to Gabe Griffith at or call him at (925) 768-8195: and be it further
Resolved that if you have any questions about the resolution process you can also contact Gabe with those questions.

Roommate Request:

From John Vandervort:
I am looking for a roommate for the CCB convention. I plan to arrive on Thursday and leave on Sunday. I have a guide dog.
If interested please call me at (408) 269-2295.

Wanted: Female Roomy For Convention:

Olivia Ostergaard is looking for a roommate for Wednesday March 21. She has a guide dog. If interested please call or email, 559-978-5755,

Glendale Burbank Chapter Fund Raiser:

The Glendale Burbank Chapter of CCB invites members of CCB as well as others in the Los Angeles Area community to it's March 12th fund raiser.

This is an all day event being held at the C.P.K. 601 N. San Fernando, Burbank CA.
to obtain a flier please contact Anthony Signoriello phone: (818) 982-3411 or email:
you are asked to present a flier when ordering. Thank
you for your support.

San Francisco Chapter Meeting:

You are invited to the next meeting of the San Francisco Chapter of the California Council of the Blind.

Date: Saturday, March 17, 2018
Time: 10:30 AM.
Location: LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Multipurpose Room, 1155 Market Street, 10th Floor San Francisco.

Nicole Bohn, Executive Director, San Francisco Mayor's Office on Disability
Simon Bertrang, Project Manager, San Francisco Better Streets Project

Our meeting location is fully accessible, and we are equipped with an assistive listening system. Contact Frank Welte at least three days prior to the meeting if you want to reserve an assistive listening device. His Email address is, and his cell phone number is (510) 541-1442.

Our meetings are also accessible by telephone. The conference phone number is (302) 202-1110. The meeting code is 340741.

Student Education Access SEA Grant For 2018:

This Grant is available to a legally blind student between the ages of 8 to 18 who lives in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marín, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Solano, or Sonoma counties .

The San Francisco Chapter of CCB will give a Grant of up to $2500 to purchase accessible technology equipment to an applicant who meet the criteria listed above and can best demonstrate the need for this equipment to enhance their educational opportunities.

To request an application packet or for further details contact:
Charlie Dorris: 415-775-0487, (or)
Linda Porelle : 415-586-2622,

Submit a completed application and other required documents by March 31, 2018
To: Charlie Dorris:

Thank you for reading or listening

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