California Connection April 13, 2018

Welcome to the California connection for April 13.

From CEO Paul Shayne:

The link to view and download all photos taken at the Dining in the Dark event is on the home page of the CCB website. There are also instructions there on how to download the pictures.

CCB Scholarships:

If you are a student who is legally blind, attending school full time in 2018-2019 and reside in CA, please consider applying for a CCB scholarship. Applications must be filed with supporting documentation by May 15, 2018. Please visit the CCB website at to fill the application out online. For questions or comments please email Christy Crespin, chair, CCB Scholarship Committee at

Active Blind Inland Valleys Chapter Meeting:

The Active Blind Inland Valleys CCB chapter will meet on Saturday, 4/21/2018, 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM at Sammy’s Café #2, 9030 Foothill, Rancho Cucamonga.

If you live in the greater San Bernardino area please consider joining us. Sammy’s #2 is a 4-star, moderately priced restaurant so come early to eat.
Should you have questions please call 909-255-9067.


From Ken Metz:
Hello to all CCB members.
I am interested in seeing if there is enough interest in starting a Diabetic Affiliate within CCB. There is a National Affiliate within ACB called ACB Diabetics in Action (ACBDA), and while we wouldn’t have to reinvent the wheel, we would be able to work on the State as well as the National levels to accomplish many of our ideas related to improvements in access related to Diabetes as well as hopeful solutions to meet the needs of persons who are blind, low vision and Diabetic, both Types I and II.

I have already spoken to Dee Clayton, the ACBDA President, and she has sent me their Constitution and Bylaws from which to create our own.

Please contact me at my e-mail address of, or you can call me at (818) 882-3610-HOME or (323) 793-1805-CELL if you have questions, thoughts, or suggestions that we can pass around to determine what we’d like to accomplish. With enough interest, I will put a conference call together to get started with our organizational process.

Thank you for reading or listening

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