California Connection May 25, 2018

Welcome to the California connection for May 25.

CCB Office Schedule:

The CCB Office will be closed from Friday May 25th to Tuesday, May 29th and again on May 31st as a result of the holiday, vacations and the Major Gifts Strategy session.

From The President:

May President’s call:

Due to the Memorial Holiday falling on our usual fourth Monday, I am asking your indulgence to reschedule our presidents call for Tuesday, May 29.

dial in number: (712)432-6301
Conference code: 673783

Time: Tuesday, May 29 7:30 PM (one half hour later than usual).

  1. Discussion of Simplified ways to keep track of volunteer hours.
  2. in response to a thread on the president list, discussion of Chapter letterheads and logos. If your chapter has a logo, could you send it to Sarah Harris at so we can know how many chapters already have their own and how they are using it. Examples: Marketing, letterhead, T-shirts, etc. Please include CCB Logo in the subject line.
  3. Regional meeting: Central California June 9; Bay Area September 15; Southern California TBD
  4. Your chapter’s summer plans.

CCB Major Gifts:

The CCB board has settled on 4 strategic initiatives we would like to focus on with our major gifts capitol campaign. We will have an open meeting where everyone is invited to come hear about them and give feedback. the call will be on June 12 at 7:00 PM, dial in information to follow.

East Los Angeles Chapter Fund Raiser:

The East Los Angeles chapter of the CCB invites you to our annual Mexican fiesta fundraiser, being held on June 9 from 11 to 2 PM at the Garcia Home. 1226 South McBride Ave. E. Los Angeles Cross St., Olympic.

Your $12 ticket buys you a salad, entrée and dessert plus one soda or water.

For details please RSVP 626-656-5405 by 9 PM on June 5th. Please leave your name and any guest names and a callback number so that we may return your call. We look forward to seeing all our Southern California CCB family and friends.

From Jeff Thom:

ACB is holding its annual auction at the convention in St. Louis. CCB is going to put together an auction basket. If you would like to donate something to that basket, please provide me with a description by May 30 of the item.

You can call me at 916-995-3967 or e-mail me at The item can be brought and given to me at convention or mailed to me. Thanks so much for your help.

From Judy Wilkinson:

The California Colossals in St. Louis!

I am proud to once again captain The California Colossals as we walk to raise funds for ACB through the Brenda Dillon Memorial Walk celebrating its 10th anniversary!

Please take time to donate to this worthy ACB fundraising effort.

And best of all, remember, 50 percent of what you donate comes back to us at CCB.

Thanks for your involvement.

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