California Connection June 08, 2018

Welcome to the California connection for June 8.

From Judy Wilkinson:

I just had a wonderful conversation with Cathie Skivers who returned home today! She sounds wonderful!

Her home phone is: 510-357-1986.

We are all so glad to have her back where she belongs!

CCB major gifts:

The CCB board has settled on 4 strategic initiatives we would like to focus on with our major gifts capitol campaign. We will have an open meeting where everyone is invited to come hear about them and give feedback. the call will be on June 12 at 7:00 PM,

The meeting will be held using Zoom Cloud Meeting.
Call in number: (408)740-3766
Meeting ID: 5464180056#
If prompted for a participant ID just press # again to continue
mute toggle: *6.

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:


1. Call to order and roll call. (Identify guests.)

2. Ratify acceptance of Ken Metz into CCB Hall of Fame.

3. Summarize and accept Treasurer’s Report (originally presented at May 10 board meeting.)

4. Introduction of the updated CCB Mission Statement: “To increase the independence and equality of opportunities for all Californian’s who are blind or low vision.”

5. Setting the Strategic Direction for the Capital Campaign

Project Areas
New Beginnings – Focused on the needs of newly blind CCB Members
Achieving Access- Focused on the needs of CCB member regarding transportation and technology
Senior Solutions-Focused on the need of the BLV aging population
Equality Without Compromise- Focused on consumer; legal and legislative advocacy.

6. Suggestions for CCB milestones for Case For Support.

7. Final comments and announcements.

Glendale Burbank fund raiser:

The Glendale Burbank Chapter of CCB invites members of CCB and the L.A. community to our Shakey's Pizza Fund raiser being held on June 18 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. The address is: 1300 North San Fernando Blvd., Burbank. No flier needed, just let the cashier know you're there to support our fund raiser. We look forward to your support, please let friends know about it.

From Jeff Thom:

ACB is holding its annual auction at the convention in St. Louis. CCB is going to put together an auction basket. If you would like to donate something to that basket, please provide me with a description by May 30 of the item. You can call me at 916-995-3967 or e-mail me at The item can be brought and given to me at convention or mailed to me. Thanks so much for your help.

From Judy Wilkinson:

The California Colossals in St. Louis!

I am proud to once again captain The California Colossals as we walk to raise funds for ACB through the Brenda Dillon Memorial Walk celebrating its 10th anniversary!

Please take time to donate to this worthy ACB fundraising effort. CCB members have already contributed over $300 so let's keep it going.

And best of all, remember, 50 percent of what you donate comes back to us at CCB.

Thanks for your involvement.

Thank you for reading or listening

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