California Connection October 26, 2018

Welcome to the California connection for October 26.

Believe And Achieve Cancelation:

It is with regret that we must cancel the Believe and Achieve Luncheon scheduled for November 6, 2018. As an exciting alternative, we are looking forward to sitting down with each of you on an individual basis to share the exciting goals and programs of the Believe and Achieve Capital Campaign.

We are experiencing the unexpected transition of a key staff member which has forced us to make strategic and operational planning our focus for the foreseeable future. Please accept our sincerest apologizes for any inconvenience this may have caused.

CCB President Office Hours:

Judy Wilkinson will be holding office hours on Monday October 29th. She has not had office hours for a while so come ask questions. She will be ready to speak on many topics and will definitely be ready to clear up any confusion regarding calls we have been getting about gathering member's information.

Date: Monday October 29th
Time: 7:00 PM

To join:
call in number: 408.638.0968
meeting ID: 945598721
When prompted for a participant code, press the Pound key.

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Take Two! Diabetics Affiliate Interest Meeting:

Date: Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Time: 7 to 8PM (Pacific)
call in number: 408.638.0968
meeting ID: 158236260
When prompted for a participant code, press the Pound key.

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

We are blind, empowered and diabetic! During the first diabetes affiliate interest meeting, words of inspiration were shared by many, including Pam Metz, who reminded us how starting an affiliate for blind diabetics was a passion of kens. Pam also mentioned Ken’s love of and struggle with his diet and good food. That’s why we’re inviting everyone who dials in for this meeting to share one of their favorite quick and easy snacks. Think simple: peanut butter and apple slices or avocado toast! As a special bonus, all meeting participants will be sent Ken’s famous chili recipe!

During this call, we will also take a deeper dive into the unique value of creating a network specifically for those living with and managing diabetes and blindness.

Feel free to contact this month’s host, Maile George by email at or by phone at 925-381-7899 or David Jackson by email at or by phone at 415-613-6817.

Orange County Chapter Brunch:

The Orange County chapter invites you to attend our membership brunch on Saturday, November 10 from 10 a.m to noon at Marie Calender’s, 5960 Orangethorpe Ave. Buena Park, accessible to both LA and Orange county access.

For more information please call Andrea at: 714-921-0289 or email:

From Jeff Thom:

Any chapter or individual interested in having someone attend the Presidents' meeting and especially the ACB Legislative Seminar in February 2019 can contact me by e-mail at or by phone at 916-995-3967 or President Judy Wilkinson.

Medi-Cal Benefits:

If you have had or are having a problem receiving communications in Braille or another alternative format regarding your Medi-Cal application or benefits, Disability Rights Advocates is interested in speaking to you about this issue.

Please call Sachiko Riddle at (510) 665-8644 or email her at

From Bonnie Rennie, Member, Publications Committee:

Know a senior who’s struggling to adjust to vision loss?
Cab proudly announces,
Our book, "Have a Happy Life: as a senior Losing or /without Vision" is now available on Kindle. Audio CD version soon to follow.
Please spread the word!

Thank you for reading

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