Good for Us Primo Preemies!

by Bonnie Rennie

Maybe there should be a National Premature babies Day! The poem below was inspired by two recent events.

first were stories in the news, concerning newborns with severe disabilities. Second was an interview I heard. A blind woman related her many experiences and accomplishments as an employee, wife, and mother. Like me, she was one of that crop of premature babies with Retinopathy of Prematurity.

This may seem silly to some. But whenever I encounter a blind person around my age, who has ROP, I feel a bond, and a validation of my existence. see what you think of what I'm going to relate.

Good for Us Primo Preemies!

We stand, a bit of a period piece.
Most in the forties and the fifties,
Born too early,
Too stubborn and tenacious not to survive.
Beneficiaries of then state-of-the-art medical machines.
Which made us blind,
but probably kept us alive.

Some of us even have additional disabilities,
Physical, intellectual,
Not just the messed-up eyes.
I've heard it questioned,
By others, not by us,
Was all that trouble worth it?
Was the expense wise?

We're not all einsteins,
Olympic skaters, football stars.
Much like other so-called normals you may know.
Costly drain on society,
at times, aren't we all?
Regardless of our achievements,
We all can contribute,
Have something to show.

The being blind part is my expertise.
Many more like me, eager to learn,
Our numbers,
starting special education in the regular school.
By far, the biggest burden blindness presents,
Not being accepted, despite our efforts,
That's the most cruel!

On the positive,
We realize we must look out for ourselves.
We love to work, play, and help,
active in the places we live.
I'm proud of being a preemie who made it!
My life is worthwhile.
And like my cohorts,
I have a lot to give.

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