CCB Happenings March 29, 2019

Welcome to the CCB happenings for March 29.

CCB Candidates For Office:

Our 2019 conference/convention is fast approaching which means we’ll be electing the following officers:
2nd vice president and secretary, as well as the Director positions currently held bi: Sarah Harris, Pamela Metz, Linda Porelle, Karen Shrawder and Vivian Younger.

It’s time to submit statements for our candidates’ page. Though currently there is no requirement that a candidate submit answers, we strongly urge you to do so. We will hold a telephonic forum in mid May so the membership can hear from candidates and ask questions.

Your answer to each question should be no more than 300 words, with the count determined by the word-count feature in MS Word; there will be no editing, spell checks or grammar checks.

The deadline for submissions is Friday April 5, 2019. Submit them to the office in electronic format as a .txt .rtf or MS Word file. Email them to Submit each answer in a separate email with the following subject line: your name question number: i.e. Judy Wilkinson question 1

  1. State the position you are seeking. What are your qualifications for this office, and what contributions have you made to your chapter or affiliate or to the statewide organization in the last year?
  2. In light of The Phoenix Committee’s charge to chart the way forward for CCB, what are your recommendations for charting CCB’s future and how would you achieve them?
  3. Briefly discuss a major internal debate likely to face CCB during your term.

CCB awards:

As our 2019 CCB 85th anniversary Conference and Convention is just over three months away, it is time for individual members, chapters and/or affiliates to give input to the awards which will be given out at the banquet on Saturday evening, June 8.

Please submit nomination letters to the Awards committee by Monday April 1. Email submissions to the office at the following email address: and put “Awards Nomination” in the subject line.

If you need assistance or have questions, leave a message at the office and one of the committee members will return your call.

  • CCB Hall of Fame:
    The Hall of Fame represents Recognition of those who have made significant contributions an sustained effort toward the realization of the goals of CCB.
  • Community Service Award:
    This award recognizes a blind or visually impaired person, who, through their associations and activities, have demonstrated their integration into, and their interaction with the life of the community.
  • CCB Distinguished Service Award:
    This award recognizes an outstanding blind or visually impaired person who has contributed significantly to the betterment of blind people in general. The recipient need not be a member of CCB.
  • Legislator of the Year Award:
    This award, given periodically, recognizes a California State or Federal legislator who has introduced and successfully brought about enactment of legislation on behalf of persons who are blind or visually impaired.
  • Merit Award:
    This award recognizes any individual who provides outstanding volunteer service to CCB, its chapters or affiliates.

Recipients for the Hall of Fame, Community Service, CCB Distinguished Service, Legislator of the Year and Merit awards may be nominated by any member, chapter or affiliate.

San Francisco Chapter Student Education Access Grant 2019:

For: One legally blind students ages 8-18.
From: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo counties.

Award: Choice of iPhone, iPad, Android Phone, Orbitz Reader 20 braille display, Victor Reader Trek, Zoomtext Screen Magnifier, Zoomtext magnifier/Reader, JAWS Screen Reader.

Application deadline: April 10, 2019.

For details and application:
Charlie Dorris: 415-775-0487
Linda Porelle: 415-586-2622,

Promoting Positivity Within CCB:

Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Time: 7 to 8:30 PM
Call in number: 408.638.0968
Meeting ID: 646576098
When prompted for a participant code, press the Pound key.
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Along with a presentation on CCB Success through Legislation and Advocacy, the CCB Membership Committee will offer problem-solving techniques for chapters/affiliates who may be experiencing challenging situations. This focus call provides an opportunity to troubleshoot issues and share proactive approaches to address them. To help manifest positive actions, We intend to explore ways to cultivate positivity within ourselves.

Announcing CCB Government Affairs District Days:

The CCB Governmental Affairs Committee is planning District Days instead of a Capitol Day this year. The GA Committee will assist Chapters and Affiliates in prepping for this opportunity with tools and practice sessions. Save the following dates and more info will follow from Ardis Bazyn and Alice Turner, co-Chairs of CCB GA Committee.

Members will scheduled their visits for the week of April 29 through May 3 in your respective state Assembly member’s and Senator’s local offices.

Practice calls will be scheduled for two dates to select: April 22 or April 24, an Jeff Thom and Sylvia Reese will facilitate these calls.

Any questions about district days should be directed to Alice Turner at or Ardis Bazyn at

Jeff Thom will write the talking points for the following:
AB947, AB1434, Aging and Vision loss resolution, AB169, and AB1286.

More Info will follow to all Chapter and Affiliate Presidents and Legislative reps, including information on district office sites, and tools and packets.

Join us for this exciting opportunity to meet your local reps and represent CCB to discuss issues that are imperative for all of us.

Alice Turner and Ardis Bazyn

Attention Human!

Homo Sapiens have been reading and writing since 3200 BCE, give or take a few centuries. Other animals communicate, but we can smugly say, “Not like us!” Our complex thoughts encompass past, present, and future. Our minds span a myriad of subjects.

Share your complex thoughts with the new Writer’s Group. Keep May 1, 7:30 PM PDT open.

Thank you for reading

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