Editor's Desk

by Mike Keithley

Welcome to the spring, 2018 Blind Californian!

I thought I was going to have to tell our membership that this issue of the BC would be slimmer than most. For one thing, I had a rough time getting material. "oh it's too much work." Really! That's just terrible! Perhaps people have forgotten that the BC stands or falls on their participation, or lack of it. It's a bummer when I have to look around for material that wasn't written by CCB members. And then there's the sad juxtaposition of events, such as getting ready for the mid-year meetings and the lack of Internet access in hotels.

Luckily, CCB Fresno Chapter member Sarah Harris came to the rescue with her "Becoming Athena" article." It brims with enthusiasm and athletic prowess, and once you read it, you'll never lie around in your easy chair again. You'll run and bike 15 miles before breakfast, and then crank out 2 BC articles while sipping coffee at your kitchen counter. You rock, Sarah!

"But master, everyone's in a bit of a tizzy over the changes going on in CCB." That'S true, King, and I hear even guide dogs are worried. But canes seem quite calm. Maybe I'll ask one to write something so we can appreciate why!

At any rate, we have a nice President's Message from President Wilkinson plus a pep talk from CEO Paul Shane. And Susan Glass submitted a great spring-time story about falconry. We also have an important proposal dealing with getting donations to CCB from monied people. As President Wilkinson explained in a past message, sometimes you have to spend money to make money. Here's to success!

Enjoy, be kind to one another (as Ellen Degeneris says) and have fun. It will be great meeting you at the convention.

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