CCB Happenings June 21, 2019

Welcome to the CCB happenings for June 21.

California Council of the Blind 2019 Annual Conference and Convention Feedback Survey:

The California Council of the Blind (CCB) is very appreciative of those who attended in person or online via ACBRADIO the 2019 Annual Conference and Convention.

This survey is intended to obtain attendees’ input as to their satisfaction with the Fresno DoubleTree by Hilton Conference and Convention center concerning both guest and meeting rooms and the Conference and Convention program. We appreciate your recommendations for future conferences and conventions. In answering the survey questions, be as specific as you can.

Please complete the survey form as soon as possible but no later than Friday July 12. Survey responses are to be emailed to
For those needing assistance in completing the form, call the CCB office 1-800-221-6359.

Jeff Thom
Chair, Conference and Convention Committee

2019 Conference and Convention Survey

  1. How satisfied were you with the Fresno DoubleTree by Hilton Conference and Convention Center (e.g. rooms, plated meals, lighting, etc.)? Tell us why or why not.
  2. Tell us your experiences with the hotel restaurant in regards to the: quality of food, meal prices, and level of service.
  3. Were the hotel staff and volunteers helpful and courteous? Were there sufficient numbers of each? If not, please explain.
  4. What were your experiences in accessing individual exhibitors in the exhibit room?
  5. Please provide contact information (e.g. name, phone number, email address, and mailing address) for exhibitors who should be invited to exhibit at future conferences and conventions.
  6. Were you satisfied with the sound quality of presentations in the main session room and in other rooms used at the convention?
  7. If you used one of the assistive listening devices, did it function to your satisfaction and were you able to participate more effectively in those sessions where the technology was available to you?
  8. If you listened to the convention via ACBRADIO, how satisfied were you with your listening experience?
  9. Were there any presentations made or topics covered at the general session or by a committee or special interest group you found to be informative and valuable to you? Would you like a similar presentation to be given as part of a future general session or committee or special-interest affiliate program?
  10. If you are a guide dog user, what were your experiences with the relieving area? If you feel any changes should be made, please include them.
  11. Overall was the Conference and Convention a success?
  12. Is there anything else that you would like to tell us?

The California Colossals In The 100K Photo Finish:

Yes it’s time once again for the Brenda Dillon Memorial walk, this year entitled The 100K Photo Finish.

Remember if you donate, you can designate 50% to come back to us here at CCB.

We’ll all be walking virtually as it’s boring to walk around a hotel floor. The walk isn’t anything like it used to be, but the cause is still the same: ACB and CCB.
The walk occurs on Saturday, July 6, but you can donate any time throughout July.


CCB Seats In Rochester:

From Judy Wilkinson
Are You Coming to ACB in Rochester?

I will once again be your delegate at ACB, and Gabe will act as alternate as well as wearing his resolutions vice-chair hat. We’d appreciate your dropping me an email at if you plan to attend the ACB convention. We like to know how many Californians are there. Especially let me know if you plan to sit with the delegation so we can order those comfy California chairs.

For those listening on ACBRadio, you can text or call me at (510)388-5079 or Gabe at (925)768-8195 if you want your vote taken into account.

Writers Group:

"I am fearless, I am powerful!"
from "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley

Caltech’s graduating class of 2019 were charged with those words.
They will face obstacles. They will fail. They must overcome their fears to succeed.

How can you empower CCB? Writing is one way. Afraid you can’t write?
Join a supportive, maybe even “fun” group. You tell us. No drama, no judgement. Conference in to the Writers Group. Be fearless! The pen is mightier than the sword.

Date: Wednesday, 6/26/2019
Time: 7:30 PM
Phone: 408-638-0968
Code: 646576098


Dealing with diabetes during the summer!

Find out how to chill with diabetes when it’s hot, hot, hot! From refreshing self-care ideas to quenching your thirst with healthy summer drink options, both alcoholic and not, this is the place to be! If you have a favorite simple drink recipe or other feel good suggestions for keeping your cool during the summer, we hope you’ll join us.

We will also discuss the importance of disclosing your diabetes to those providing self-care services.

Date: Monday, July 8
Time: 7 to 8PM
Call: 408.638.0968
ID: 158236260

For answers to questions about this call, please contact Veronica Hernandez at559-241-4242 or

CLUA Seeks Members:

From, Bonnie Rennie,
President, California chapter, Library Users of America,

Do you and your friends love spending time sharing that latest book that you just can’t put down? Please consider joining, and encouraging them to join CLUA. Included is your membership in the national LUA organization. Book suggestions on our e-List, conference calls, and advocacy, to maintain our library services. For further information, please contact our treasurer, vita zavoli at or call 510 846-4080.

Opportunity To Help Better Market Street Be Accessible:

The San Francisco Department of Public Works is looking for people with vision disabilities to participate in research to identify the best tactile surface to use for separation between bikes and pedestrian walkways as part of the Better Market Street sidewalk–level bikeway proposal. This tactile surface is intended to help people with vision disabilities stay on the pedestrian side of the shared bikeway, and to help deter bicyclists from riding on the pedestrian side.

The study will be evaluating several different surfaces. We want to be sure that people who are vision disabled are able to detect the delineator surface and know that it is not a truncated dome detectable warning such as is found at curb ramps and transit platforms. The best surface will be used in the Better Market Street shared bikeway.

Research Dates: June 29-July 9 (excluding July 4)

Location: Pier 38, San Francisco (The Embarcadero between Brannan and Townsend Street. Testing will be conducted inside the Pier building).

Qualifications: Experienced travelers, ages18 and older, who are unable to see crosswalk lines, curbs, or poles when out walking.

Honorarium: $100

For more information and if you are interested in volunteering, contact: Linda Myers at

Please stay tuned for other usability testing opportunities for everyone.

Thank you for reading

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