CCB Happenings September 13, 2019

Welcome to the CCB Happenings for September 13.

CCB Auction Update:

The auction is coming soon! We will be holding our live CCB auction on Sunday, October 20th, from 3:00 to 7:00 PM, using a Zoom conference line. However, as part of the auction, early bidding will be allowed by submitting bids to the office starting on Wednesday, October 2, and proceeding on Wednesday through Friday for each subsequent week through Friday, October 18th. Bids will only be taken by phone between the hours of 9:00 AM and noon on those days. In order to bid, you will need to register for the auction by providing the following information to the CCB office:

  • Your name
  • Phone number
  • Email address (if applicable)
  • Mailing address

We will soon be providing details of the procedures governing the auction and a list of items. Information will be circulated widely, in order to give as many individuals as possible the chance to participate.

Chapters, Affiliates And Individuals May Donate Items To Be Auctioned:

Goods and Services welcome!
Items must be brand new or “antiques” value at least $50.
Technology, baskets, baking, your imagination is the limit!

We must be notified of item submissions by September 30th, and all items, apart from food, must be received in the office no later than October 11. .

Contact the Auction Committee at
or call Andrea DeKlotz, auction co-chair, at 714-921-0289 for more information.

Glendale Burbank Area Chapter Fundraiser:

the Glendale Burbank Area Chapter is hosting a fundraiser at Barragans Mexican Restaurant
730 N. Victory Blvd
Burbank, CA 91502
on September 19, 2019, all day. The restaurant is open from 11:00 AM to 9:30 PM. There is no flyer necessary just tell your server when you order. The chapter will receive 20% which includes take out orders.

Contact Kevin Berkery at 818-238-9321 or Anthony Signoriello at 818-982-3411 for questions or more information.

Hope to see you there!

Writers Group:

Writing, like speaking, uses pronouns, verbs, and a bunch of other stuff. Do you write in first person, third or what? For example,
I strip.
You strip.
He strips.

Sounds racy, but is it? Add a direct object.
I strip old paint.
You strip your gloves off.
He strips at Chippendales.

What point of view would you use for short stories, poems, or a Zine article? (Z.I.N.E., pronounced Zeen). Join us to discuss all this stuff and more!

Please note day change; Tuesday instead of Wednesday.

Date: Tuesday, 9/24/2019
Time: 7:30 PM
Phone: 408-638-0968
Code: 646576098

Fresno CCB Chapter Fundraiser:

On October 12th, 2019 Fresno CCB has coordinated a White Cane Safety Day Fundraiser.

We are currently selling raffle tickets. Raffle tickets are $3 each or 4 for $10, 8 for $20, etc. You need not be present to win. Purchases can be made through PayPal at:
Or you can send a personal check written to CCB Fresno.

We will send confirmation and ticket number via email or phone number. The drawing will be a live stream via Facebook on October 12th, approximately 9:15 AM.

At this time, prizes include:

  • Wavepoint
  • A one day Fishing Charter in Santa Cruz, CA, for two persons (transportation not included)
  • Amazon Echo Show
  • Fire TV Stick
  • Fitbit Flex2

and much, much more.

Make your purchase soon to support our local chapters efforts. Questions or concerns, please contact Jamie Gibson-Barrows at 559-803-1255 or email

Thank You for your support.

Thank you for reading.

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