CCB Happenings September 04, 2020

Welcome to the CCB Happenings for September 4.

UEB Workshops:

Are you still grappling with all of the new Unified English Braille (UEB) punctuations? Is there still some confusion as to when certain contractions should be used? Why are we no longer using certain contractions like ation, tion and com?

Join Karen Shrawder and Frank Welte for this Braille Revival League of California (BRLC) sponsored UEB workshop to learn the essentials of UEB and ask your questions. Every other week for an hour through the fall 2020 semester, Karen and Frank will focus on a different UEB topic. The first half hour will introduce the topic and provide you with the contractions and nuances. The second half hour will be discussing your experiences and answering questions.

This workshop will take place every other Tuesday evening from September 8 through December 15 at 7:00 PM. Resources will be suggested for your reading and learning pleasure.

The dates are as follows:
September 8 and 22.
October 6 and 20.
November 3 and 17
December 1 and 15.

You do not need to be a BRLC member to attend this workshop. However, if you are interested in joining BRLC, the dues are $20, and your membership will be active through December 2021.

For questions and to register, please contact Vita Zavoli at

From the Auction Committee:

If you wish to participate in the upcoming CCB auction, you must register by contacting the CCB office.
Phone registration is open Wednesday through Friday between nine a.m. and noon through September 18 and will also be available two hours prior to the live auction on September 20.

Call CcB office manager Nicole Pacheco at: 1-800-221-6359 or 1-916-441-2100 or email her at:

To register, please provide the following information:
Your name, telephone number, email address, if applicable, and shipping address. You may also use either of these methods to pre-bid on any auction item. We have some great items, so let’s all join in and have some fun for a great cause!

From Judy Wilkinson and OnTheMuv:

Dear Members of the California Council of the Blind,
Our partner Onthemuv® is gearing up to provide new, accessible ways to get fit while you sit. We are eager that these exciting devices are now ready to order!

You’ve patiently waited and here it is!
Motorized miniTREAD®: Preorder and save shipping cost: $499.
Self-Powered Sitmill® Samples: $169: only 20 available!
When released next spring the cost will be at least $100 higher!

If you’re ready to work out from the comfort of your home, you can order today. Please call us at 510.629.1276 to preorder your own miniTREAD® or Sitmill® Lite. Not quite ready to order? Still give us a call, and we’re happy to talk over the options to see which device will work best for you.

Judy Wilkinson
OntheMuV Project Manager

Save the Date!!!

Are you or someone you know between the ages of 21 to 50? Are you looking for a place where your ideas can help form a younger and more active future for CCB?
If your answer is yes, we want to hear from you. Join us for an open focus call where you can give us your input. The call will take place Saturday, September 12 at 3:30 PM.

To RSVP, contact Guillermo Robles at

From Tuan Nguyen:

I have a complete, high-quality, hard-plastic-covered Bible in Braille for donation. The Bible is the New American Bible, Revised Edition with Commentary in 45 volumes.

If you are interested, please reach me at:

Thank You,
Tuan Nguyen

Thank you for reading.

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