Welcome to the CCB Happenings for December 29.
CCB Office Schedule:
From Gabe Griffith, CCB President:
Hello all,
The CCB office will be closed starting on December 24th and will reopen on Monday January 4th. We wish everyone a happy, healthy, and safe holiday season.
From The Governmental Affairs Committee:
The Governmental Affairs committee is sharing a great opportunity to participate in the ACB legislative seminar and hill visits held the week of February 22, 2021. Please share this with other chapter members. We have a list of skills preferred to participate. However, even if you don’t have all the skills listed, you can participate to learn. Individuals stories are important for legislators to understand our issues.
Jeff Thom has placed a message on the CCB phone system. Listen to it by calling the office and pressing number 5. We’d like those interested to let us know by January 10.
The first Zoom calls for discussing making appointments for Hill visits will be held January 25 and 28.
Calls on role playing will be held on February 8 and 10.
The seminar will be held February 22 and 23 with Hill visits scheduled for the 24-26.
Please let Jeff or I know about your interest so we can send you the list of skills preferred. Email jsthom@comcast.net or abazyn@bazyncommunications.com
Thank you for reading.