CCB Happenings November 10

Welcome to the CCB Happenings for November 10, 2023.

From Golden State Guide Dog Handlers
You are invited to the fall business meeting of Golden State Guide Dog Handlers, Inc. on Sunday, November 12 at 5:00 PM.
Please join us to conduct important business, share your ideas, and learn what’s in store for our CCB guide dog affiliate.
Whether you are an experienced guide dog user or you just want to learn more about the guide dog lifestyle, you are welcome to attend.
Write to Frank Welte, GSGDHI President, for more information and to get the Zoom meeting information

From the ACB Capitol Chapter:
Along with the holiday cheer come scams trying to separate you from your money, steal your identity, or much worse. Join the ACB Capital Chapter November 18 at 10AM for an approximately 45 minute presentation from Daniel Garbutt from the Sacramento County District Attorney’s office on the latest scams, including those using AI. Remember, knowledge is empowerment!
For the information to join, email or call (916)229-8825

2023 Convention Audio Recordings
Audio recordings from this year’s convention are available on the CCB web site for you to listen to or download. You can hear general sessions, the banquet, and breakfast and lunch programs, as well as most pre and post convention activities. There are 25 files available, but it is easy to find what you’re looking for, dates are at heading level two and events at level three. From, find the link for Past Conference and Convention Audio, and from that page go to 2023 California Council of the Blind Hybrid Conference and Convention Audio Recordings, or you can use this direct link:

Greater LA Chapter Meeting With OKO App:
The Greater LA chapter invites you to our monthly meeting on Saturday, November 18. Our guest speaker will be Michael Babcock, Community Manager at AYES, maker of the OKO app, which gives blind iPhone users the status of pedestrian signals using audio, haptic and visual feedback. Our meeting starts at noon. For the Zoom link, email or call (310) 558-4500.

From the Glendale-Burbank Chapter:
The Glendale Burbank Area Chapter invites you to our Christmas party: held December second, at the Black Bear Diner located at 18355 Ventura Blvd, Tarzana, CA 91356. The restaurant is one block East of Reseda Blvd. Our party begins at 3:00 PM until 9:00 PM. RSVP by Thanksgiving!!!! By contacting President Lynn Coats at (818) 298-1345 or Mona at (310) 930-6929
For more information, please contact the restaurant at (818) 457-4071

From CCB Educator James Collins:
Thank you CCB Members, At-large affiliates, and Community-Based Organizations for participating and supporting CCB’s effort to bring education and awareness to Energy Upgrade Californians 2023 ‘Power Saver Rewards’ project. As of Tuesday, October 31, the project will be on hiatus until further notice. I encourage any and all CCB members to share feedback about your thoughts on the rollout. I can be reached directly at (925) 998-6126, (916) 916-4100 or via email at

Thank you for reading.

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