Welcome to the CCB Happenings for February 16, 2024.
Primary Election Discussed at Greater LA Chapter Meeting
With the March 5th primary election just weeks away, the greater LA chapter has invited Penny Sommers from the League of Women Voters to our February meeting. She’ll talk to us about how the primaries work, as well as the pros and cons of the mental health measure on the state-wide ballot and the healthy streets LA initiative. The league wants you to have the information you need to confidently cast your ballot. Our meeting will be held in our regular Zoom room on Saturday, February 17 at noon. For the link, email CCBGreaterLA@gmail.com or call (310) 558-4500.
From the California Council of Citizens with Low Vision:
We are nearly 25 years into the new century, and in a quarter century, technology has no doubt changed the lives of us blind and low vision. As a person blind or low vision, what technology were you using 25 years ago? Were you blind or low vision 25 years ago? How has technology changed for you? This and more on the next “A Sunday Chat”. Please see the A C B Community weekend schedule for details.
Bylaws Committee
Any needed changes to our CCB Bylaws will be considered by the membership at our upcoming state convention in April. Proposed amendments should be submitted to the bylaws committee by March 1st. Please contact committee chair Steve Bauer at steve.bauer@ccbnet.org or call (310) 558-4500
From Jeff Thom, Resolutions Co-chair
Our advocacy agenda is largely determined by you, the membership, through resolutions adopted at our annual convention. Our bylaws require that resolutions be submitted to the Committee 30 days prior to start of the convention. This year, that date falls on March 3, since the convention starts on April 3. You may submit resolutions to anyone on the committee, including myself at jsthom@comcast.net or co-chair Sarah Harris at crazyblindlady@gmail.com
Or (559-816-1507)
From the CCB Membership Committee:
Hurry! Get your CCB chapter and affiliate events submitted by March 1. Awards include: Affiliate and chapter of the year. Questions will be posted to the various lists, or you may contact Christy Crespin at:
Blind.lcsw@gmail.com or Joe Green at:
Joe.derrick.green@gmail.com for more information.
2024 CCB call for candidates:
From Gabe Griffith, CCB President
It’s that time again. This year at our convention we will be having elections for President, 2nd Vice President, Treasurer, and 4 director positions. If you are interested in one of these positions please send your answer to the below question in either MS Word or txt format to ccotb@ccbnet.org
Question to answer: In 300 words or less please tell us what position you are running for, why you are interested, what your qualifications are, and what you would like to accomplish during your term.
The deadline for submissions is noon on Friday March 1st.
Thank you for reading.