CCB Happenings June 14, 2024

Welcome to the CCB Happenings for June 14, 2024.

From the CCB Membership Committee:

Join us for Evening Tea with the CCB Membership Committee! Relax and connect with CCB friends on the second Friday of each month from 5:30–7:30 PM PST.
Enjoy casual conversations, current events, share personal news, comedy, your favorite music, and occasional guest speakers or readings. Pop in, pop out. All ages welcome! We look forward to seeing you there! Our first meeting is on June 14.

From AIRSLA, the Audio Internet Reading Service of Los Angeles.

After a long wait, Trader Joe’s Fearless Flyer is here! This is the podcast’s maiden voyage. One flyer is a long read for 2 people so it’s split into multiple episodes. Fear not, Paris and Ed from LARRS, Los Angeles Radio Reading Service, give us an engaging listen.

From Inclusive Diversity of California

Greetings CCB Members and Friends,
The IDC Program Committee is pleased to announce our upcoming presentation on Thursday, June 27 at 7:00 PM featuring Michael Nunez. Michael is an attorney with several years of experience advocating for blind/low vision individuals who are incarcerated in California. Whether you are wondering how many blind/low vision individuals are actually incarcerated in California or whether you are wondering why this matters...this presentation will answer those-and many more-questions.
When: Thursday, June 27 at 7:00 PM Pacific Time, 10:00 PM Eastern Time.
Where: Zoom (link will be provided closer to the program date.)

From: Jeff Thom, Director of Governmental Affairs

Both of our bills, AB3193, (Calderon, which would exempt assistive technology-related purchases made for clients of the Department of Rehabilitation from state regulations, and AB1902 (Alanis), which enables people with print disabilities to request labeling in accessible formats for prescription drugs, have passed the Assembly and are now in the Senate. Stay tune for ways in which you can help advocate to get these bills over the finish line.

Thank you for reading.

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