CCB Happenings August 16, 2024

Welcome to the CCB Happenings for August 16, 2024.

From the Silicon Valley Council of the Blind:

This month, we dedicate our entire SVCB meeting to remembering our dear friend and colleague Noel Runyan, who passed away on Wednesday July 31. We'll officially begin our ceremony honoring Noel at 10:30 Saturday August 17. Noel's wife Deb, and son Arthur will join us, as well as other folks from the community who knew Noel and wish to pay tribute.
Many will remember Noel for his accomplishments, too many to list here, including:
• work at Telesensory designing the VersaBraille
• founding Personal Data Systems,
• judge for the National Braille Press Touch of Genius Prize
• magic tricks
If you would like to attend, virtually or in person, email:
or phone: 408.638.974

From the Yosemite Gateway Chapter:

Center of Vision Enhancement will be holding the COVE Vision Fair on Thursday, August 22, 2024, at the Merced Senior Community Center (10:00am – 1:00pm). The event is free. Come learn about the resources and services for the blind and persons with low vision, as well as the latest in assistive technologies. Stop by the Yosemite Gateway Council of the Blind information table. For more information contact 209-722-8118 or

From California Diabetics in Action:

California Diabetics In Action Will hold its summer program and business meeting for all on Saturday, August 24, 2024, 4:00 PM. We will have a panel presentation and update our Constitution and Bylaws. Please save the date and plan to join. For more information write to

Thank you for reading.

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