CCB Happenings November 08 2024

Welcome to the CCB Happenings for November 8, 2024.

From the Membership Committee:

The California Council of the Blind is facing a number of challenges, from recruiting new members and retaining current ones to getting our 501(3)(c) status back. A few months ago we sent out a survey asking you, the members, to tell us about your hopes for the organization’s future and why you got involved in the first place. We received 25 responses, which we appreciate, but we need more input.
Please fill out this survey telling us about your hopes, frustrations, goals and challenges with CCB. If you are uncomfortable filling it out online, please reach out to Shana Ray at with your contact information, and she will reach out to help you fill it out over the phone. Please share this survey widely and help make our organization better. Please complete by November 15. Thank you.

From the Audio Internet Reading Service of Los Angeles.

Is anyone a Boy Scout or knows one? This year at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, there will be a large convention with over 100 merit badges to be earned. Almost one-stop shopping! Check out the 11/03 episode by Jody Olson. Scouts learn leadership, character development and more!

From the San Gabriel Valley Chapter:

The San Gabriel Valley Chapter invites you to our 2024 Christmas party at Marie Callenders Restaurant and Bakery, in the San Gabriel Valley, to be held Saturday, December 21st, from 4 until 7:00 p.m. The cost will be $35 per person, which includes tax and tip.
To RSVP and receive more details, please contact Steve Aminoff. email

Happenings Submissions:

In order to submit an item, please provide the message either to the office or to Andrea DeKlotz directly at 714-921-0289 or
by 5:00 pm on Wednesday before the happenings is recorded. Also, please make sure your message states in the subject line that it is for the Happenings, or it may be missed. The editor reserves the right to edit any announcement for the sake of space.
Thank you for reading.

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