by Gabe Griffith, Chair Resolutions Committee
Resolution 2016 1 dealt with the rising cost and decreasing attendance of CCB conference and conventions. It called on the president of the organization
to establish an ad hoc task force to investigate alternative ways of participating in conventions and report back no later than the 2017 convention.
Resolution 2016 2 dealt with funding for visually impaired teachers of visually impaired students to get driver services. It was withdrawn and will be
referred to the ACB national convention since it involves federal funding.
Resolution 2016 3 dealt with business enterprise consultants to the business enterprise program. It talked about the BECs' lack of familiarity with the
BEP rules and regulations and calls on the Department of Rehabilitation to require its BECs' to spend time receiving occupational skills training with
an experienced vendor in order to better advise the vendors they work with.
Resolution 2016 4 regarded a PBS affiliate in southern California. The affiliate is not passing the audio description feed through to its viewers. The
resolution calls on the PBS affiliate to pass through the audio description and also refers the issue to ACB asking it to urge PBS to require its affiliated
stations to pass through the audio description feed to their viewers.
Resolution 2016 5 was the hotel appreciation resolution. It affirmed how helpful the staff of the hotel was during the convention and expressed the organization's
Resolution 2016 6 was the volunteer appreciation resolution. It stated how helpful the volunteers who helped during the convention were and expressed the
organization's appreciation.