CCB Teleconference Board Meeting Minutes Summary, January 25, 2016

by Ardis Bazyn, CCB Secretary

Jeff Thom brought the teleconference board meeting to order and Ardis Bazyn called the roll: President Jeff Thom, 1st Vice-President Eugene Lozano Jr.,
2nd Vice-President Judy Wilkinson, Secretary Ardis Bazyn, Treasurer Peter Pardini, Immediate Past President Donna Pomerantz.

Directors: Leena Bandy, Vincent Calderon, Joe Lopez, Pam Metz, Charles Nabarrete, Paul Patche Jr., Frank Welte, and Robert Wendt. Steve Fort was absent.

Judy made a motion to accept the October 4th minutes as sent which was seconded and passed. Judy made a motion to accept the October 26 minutes. Leena
seconded the motion and it passed. Judy made a motion to accept the December 29 minutes. Donna seconded the motion and it passed.

Jeff spoke about our involvement in the Coalition on Long Term Care Services and Supports.

The Mutt Strut options were discussed. Judy made a motion to have no Mutt Strut in Sacramento in 2016. Gene seconded the motion and it passed. Donna made
a motion to delay the acceptance of the L.A. Mutt Strut until March. Peter seconded the motion and it passed.

Gene gave an update on the upcoming CCB convention. Peter made a motion to provide subsidies for meals at the convention. Ardis seconded the motion and
it passed unanimously.

Ardis made a motion stating the revocation of the AMC chapter should remain in place based on the subsequent actions taken by the AMC affiliate. Frank
seconded the motion. In the course of discussion and before a vote could be taken, Charles brought another motion forward. Charles moved to refer this
issue to a committee of the board to try to resolve the problem by March. Joe seconded the motion. Judy made an amendment to Charles' motion which was
accepted: that all records from AMC be released to this committee. The motion passed with Vince voting no and Gene abstaining.

Judy made a motion to sign a contract with San Diego Events. Frank seconded the motion and it passed. Judy said the Publications Committee will come with
a recommendation on the BC cassette version at the next board meeting. More investigation is needed before any recommendation can be made on the Vehicle
donation website. Peter mentioned needing to transfer from savings to cover expenses. Public comments on items not on the agenda were taken. Ardis made
a motion to adjourn the meeting. Peter seconded the motion and it passed at 9:54 PM.

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