California Connection August 25, 2017

Welcome to the California connection for August 25.
In order to have a message in the connection, please provide the message either to the office or to Gabe Griffith directly at (925) 768-8195 or by 5:00 PM on Wednesday before the connection is recorded.
Also, please make sure your message states in the subject line that it is for the connection or it may be missed.

Office Hours

The CCB office will be closed on Tuesday, August 29th until approximately 11 AM as we will be inspecting our new office location.

From The President:
Seeking An Accountant:

CCB is looking for an Accountant who can volunteer their time to help develop Internal Financial Controls in accordance with GAAP principles for the office.

Call Paul in the office at 800-221-6359 if you know anyone who may be interested in helping out.

CCB Survey

Thanks to everyone who has already completed the survey.

Under the original impetus of the Publications Committee, a number of people have worked long and hard to prepare this all-important survey of our members to find out who we are, what skills we have and what needs CCB should work toward meeting.
The survey contains about 30 questions and may take up to a half hour to complete.

The survey can be completed at
or call Nicole at the office at 800-221-6359 to assist you in completing it.

East LA Chapter Meeting

Come join the East LA CCB chapter for our annual end of summer picnic on September 9th, from 11 AM to 2 PM at the Garcia Home: 1226 S. McBride Ave. East Los Angeles, Cross St., Olympic.
Tickets are $6 for everyone.

For meal details and to RSVP by September 6th call 626-656-5405. We look forward to seeing all of our Southern California CCB family and friends.

Redwood Empire Chapter Meeting

Come join the redwood Empire chapter for our September meeting where we will hear from Jeff Thom on CCB governmental affairs issues.

When: September 9 from noon to 3:00 PM.
Where: Earle Baum Center of the Blind, 4539 Occidental Road, room 3, Santa Rosa.
There will be a pizza and soda lunch before the meeting starts.
Cost for lunch: $5

Please RSVP to Larry hall by phone at (707)538-2153 or by email at by noon on September 6 so we know how much to order.

Thank you for reading and Have a nice day

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