California Connection July 22, 2016

Welcome to the California connection for July 22.

Executive Director Recruitment

The California Council of the Blind is seeking applicants for the position of executive director.

You may read or download a copy of the recruitment announcement at:
or find a link to the material on the CCB home page at:

In addition, you may obtain a copy of the recruitment announcement by calling the CCB office at 800-221-6359 or by email

A Colossal Effort Raises $1,015 For The California Colossals

Jeff and Judy want to thank those who contributed to our fundraising efforts.

The Brenda Dillon Memorial Walk was held on Sunday July 3, at the ACB conference/convention. We walked through the hotel and nearby skyways.One-half of the funds raised for our team goes straight into the treasury of CCB. And it isn't too late to add your donation. The deadline is July 31, so call Nancy Becker in the Minneapolis office at (612) 332-3242.

Finally, you may sponsor Jeff online at my page.

The Active Blind Inland Valley Chapter Fund Raiser

The Active Blind Inland Valleys CCB is holding its major fund-raiser and we want you to save the date.

On Thursday, September 1, our Pampered Chef consultant, Joann Carter, will be opening our fund-raiser online party link. She will also accept orders over the phone. We will hold the link open until the end of the day on Saturday, September 17, when we will be holding our Pampered Chef party in Highland, CA from 11:00-3:00.

Please consider making an order to help our chapter grow its treasury, and to enjoy the wonderful Pampered Chef products.

Please call Christy at: 909-800-7189 or email for more information.

Low Interest Loans

California Foundation for Independent Living Centers is excited to announce the launch of a new program that may be able to help.

FreedomTech Financial Loan Program provides low interest loans to Californians to purchase assistive technology. Loans from $500 to $15,000 can be used to purchase any eligible device, item, or product that makes life easier for a person living with a disability or with age-related limitations. Wheelchairs, hearing aids, ramps, vision aids, and computers are just a few examples.

With a FreedomTech loan, you can:

  • Improve your quality of life
  • Increase your independence
  • Build your credit

FreedomTech offers:

  • Interest rate as low as 5.75%
  • Flexible income and credit qualifications
  • Free credit building and financial education resources

To learn more and find out if you're eligible, visit or call 916-737-5358.

5.75% interest rate is available when borrowers sign up for automatic payments. The interest rate without automatic payments is 6%.
Borrowers must demonstrate the ability to repay the loan.

A project of the California Foundation for Independent Living Centers with funding support from Ability Tools.
(916) 737-5358 | (916) 325-195 TTY
1000 G Street, Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95814

Thank you for reading, Have a nice day

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