California Connection July 29, 2016

Welcome to the California connection for July 29.

From Jeff Thom, Chair Governmental Affairs Committee

I am pleased to report that AB1824, our bill to broaden the application of criminal provisions against owners of dogs that attack service dogs, and that enhance provisions concerning the costs that may be recouped by service dog owners from the owners of the attacking dogs, will avoid a hearing in the Senate Appropriations hearing and soon be headed to the Senate floor.

The bill is expected to pass without opposition. We will let you know if and when we need letters and phone calls to the Governor to urge him to sign this bill.

California Council Of Blind Students Affiliate Call

The next conference call of the California Council of Blind Students will be on August 7th.
There will be a board meeting at 7:00 PM followed by a membership meeting at 7:30 PM.
Come join us and hear our mystery guest presenters.

The call in number is 302) 202-1114 and the conference code: is 694810.

Glendale Burbank Chapter Fund Raiser

The Glendale Burbank Chapter of CCB would like to invite you to their Shaky's Pizza fund raiser on August 15, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Shaky's restaurant located at 1300 N. San Fernando Blvd, Burbank, CA 91504.

Please join family and friends of the chapter which will receive 25% of food sales.

For any questions please call Anthony Signoriello Fund Raising Chair at: 818-426-9123 or email at:

From The Division Of The State Architect (DSA)

State statute requires DSA to develop and propose building code regulations related to accessibility for persons with disabilities to public buildings, public accommodations, commercial buildings and public housing.

DSA proposes building code regulations in accordance with the rulemaking processes administered by the California Building Standards Commission.

Throughout the year, DSA will conduct meetings, public workshops and other activities to discuss possible amendments for the 2016 California Building Standards Code. These meetings and public workshops provide open forums for the public, the disability community and other stakeholders to participate in identifying and vetting potential modifications to California's building codes.

DSA also offers accessibility classes and administers the Certified Access Specialist (CASp) examinations and certification program.

We invite you to subscribe to DSA's mailing list in order to stay up to date on DSA's access-related programs and activities.
Please follow the instructions on DSA's subscription webpage or send your request to

Web Site Accessibility

Anyone who has experienced accessibility issues with either state or local websites or has had filing issues with forms on these websites should contact Sean Betouliere at the Disability Rights Legal Center in Berkeley.
Sean is compiling these cases for possible future action.

For further information, contact Sean at 510-665-8644 extension 128 or email him at

Adult Rehabilitation And Employment Survey

If you are blind or visually impaired, reside in the United States, and are at least 18 years of age, we cordially invite you to participate in this survey.

The purpose of this survey is to gain a better understanding of your experiences as an adult who is blind or visually impaired, including your experiences with education, employment, training, and vocational rehabilitation.

This survey should not take more than ten minutes of your time. If you complete this survey, you will be entered into a drawing in which 5 individuals will win a $100 VISA gift card.

We offer you three ways to complete the survey:
Go to: Or you may Email: Or you may call: 318-257-2029.


The California Assoc. on Postsecondary Education and Disability (CAPED) is currently in its 2016 CAPED Scholarship cycle.

Students are invited to visit for more information and to apply.

Applications are available online and will be accepted through July 31, 2016.

Thank you for reading, Have a nice day

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