California Connection August 19, 2016

Welcome to the California connection for August 19.

Several CCB Conference Calls

From President Judy Wilkinson:
Please join me for my first "office hour".
All are welcome to join me to talk about anything on your mind.

Date: Saturday, August 27
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
Call-in Number: 712-451-0011;
Conference code: 247389.

I look forward to visiting with you.

Presidents Call

Date: Monday, August 29, 2016
Time: 7:00 PM
Call-in Number: 712-451-0011
Conference code: 247389.

Calling all chapter and affiliate presidents to my first Presidents Call. If you can't join us, I hope you'll designate a representative, and of course, any CCB member is welcome to join us. In addition to my agenda, please bring any ideas or concerns.


  1. Update on Executive Director.
  2. CCB Committee vacancies.
  3. Fundraising research.
  4. Mutt Strut update.

Board Call

All CCB members are invited to attend the upcoming board meeting.

Date: Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Time: 7:00 PM
Call-in number: 712-451-0011
Code: 247389.

An agenda will be sent nearer the date.

Mutt Strut

Mark your calendars or do whatever you have to do to remember this day

Saturday, November 19, 2016!!
The 6th Annual Mutt Strut is on it's way and we want YOU to be a part of it.
Help us make this day one to remember. The FUN has just begun!

Flower, Mutt Strut's 2015 Top Dog, is peeking over the CCB Mutt Strut Blue Bone logo.
She just heard the Mutt Strut is coming to the Dog Park at La Crescenta again.

Last year's winner has a big SMILE because she can't wait to see her friends at the 2K/5K FUN Run/Walk this year. She hopes you'll come out and support the MISSION of the California Council of the Blind. Flower will be looking for you, WOOF! WOOF!

Registration is now open for all of the early birds out there.
You can create your own fundraising pages for a great cause, the California Council of the Blind. We also welcome virtual walkers/runners/fundraisers, Can you imagine a virtual top dog? Wow.

Not sure exactly how to do this?
Maybe your technology is barking way too much right now? Well, we are ready to assist if you want to be an early bird with registration or fundraising page creation, please contact Amelia Sherman by email at or by phone at (818) 293-8338 between 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM to set up a time for assistance.

Come out and join us!
Register now and enjoy the Early Bird savings until October 31, 2016 .
The Early Bird catches the worm, stay tuned for details.

Let's sign up!!

For more information about the Mutt Strut, please contact Co-Chair Donna Pomerantz via email at or by phone at 626.233.2991.
You can also contact Co-Chair Debbie Cordero via email at or by phone at 562.201.1199.

Community Rewards Programs

We have been notified that those of you who are supporting CCB through your participation in the Ralphs Community Program or in the Food For Less / Foods Co Community Rewards program will need to re-register beginning on September 1 to continue in the programs.

You can register with Ralphs at, or you can call 800-443-4438.
You can register with Food For Less at or you can call 800-443-4438.
You can register with Foods Co at or you can call 800-443-4438.

From The CCB Hearing And Vision Loss Committee

How do they measure my hearing loss?
No matter what your hearing problem, everyone needs to start with essentially the same diagnostics.

Tom Brennan will be talking about the diagnostic process from the time you walk into an audiologist's office, and end with what the results generally might mean.

Join CCB's Hearing and Vision Impaired Committee as Tom Brennan continues his invaluable series.

Date: Sunday, August 21;
time: 5 PM pacific/ 8 PM Eastern;
* * New Phone #: (712) 432-3447 ID: 309464.

We encourage you to sign up for our email list where we post resources we have discussed and where you can share your resources and experiences.
Go to

In addition, you can get links to previous audio recordings by emailing

Greater Los Angeles Chapter Meeting Time Change

The Greater Los Angeles Chapter of the California Council of the Blind will be holding its August meeting one week later than usual, August 27, 2016, the fourth Saturday rather than the third.
The reason for the change of date has been finalized in order to accommodate our new State President, Judy Wilkinson's schedule.

The meeting will be held by telephone and PA System at Corky's Restaurant, 5043 Van Nuys Blvd, a block and a half South of Magnolia Blvd., Sherman Oaks, CA.
Our social/eating time is around 10:30, and our actual meeting will be from 12:30 to 2:30 PM.

President Judy will be talking to us about some of her agenda as the new President, and will also be available to answer questions from the membership as time permits.

Please let Ken Metz know if you will be able to attend this great meeting by calling (818) 882-3610 home, or (323) 793-1805 cell.
You can also email
Reservations are necessary only for the purpose of making certain that the room we meet in can accommodate those wishing to attend.

Movie Project

From Ben Caro:
My dream is to direct a short film that will raise money and awareness for the blind, and I need your help to make it happen.

Cathedrals is an exciting adaptation of the Raymond Carver story "Cathedral" starring a blind actor, Rick Boggs. You might remember Rick. He's a motivational speaker and an audio description business owner who's written articles for the Blind Californian before.

At first I wanted to hire a blind actor to play the blind character for authenticity. However, it was difficult finding many actors, and I found out how difficult it was for many blind people, actors included, to find work. The process invigorated me to bring awareness to and find more opportunities for the blind in the arts (and the greater workforce).

Since our goal for the film isn't to make money, we can work towards bringing about a change rather than bringing in profit. By crowdsourcing with Kickstarter, I'm hoping we can do a little part in making not only a good movie, but a little good, too.

As part of our project, we're also donating money to organizations that increase employment opportunities for the blind. Please join me on this journey.

To make the project happen, though, we have to reach our Kickstarter. goal by September 10th. Be a part of it!:

We have just three weeks to meet our goal. Let's make it happen!

Thank you for reading, Have a nice day

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