California Connection July 13, 2018

Welcome to the California connection for July 13.

Editor's Note:

There will not be a connection on July 20. The next Connection will be on July 27.

From Judy Wilkinson:

Colossals Raise over$1,000

Thanks to the generosity of several in our CCB family the California Colossals raised at least a thousand dollars for the Brenda Dillon Memorial Walk. Ardis Bazyn and Kevin Berkery joined me as we navigated the pool area of the hotel. And thanks to you, CCB will get 50 percent of the donations.

It isn’t too late for you to contribute. Until the end of July you can donate at:

San Gabriel Valley Chapter Summer Social:

The San Gabriel Valley Chapter invites you to our Summer Social, on Saturday August 4th from 11:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. at Alex Di Peppe's Pizza and Spaghetti House, in Arcadia.

RSVPs are absolutely necessary. Everyone will be ordering from a modified menu, with separate checks.
We will have the restaurant to ourselves, with a 50 person limit, so RSVPs will be accepted in the order received, through July 31st.

For more information, or to RSVP, please contact:
Steve Aminoff.
Phone: 626-445-6727

Our chapter looks forward to seeing you on August 4th.

Assistant Needed:

Sighted Live-in Companion needed for a Half Moon Bay resident. Free rent and a salary.
If you are interested or know someone who is, please contact Beatrice Bell directly at (707)864-0880.

Thank you for reading or listening

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