California Connection June 29, 2018

Welcome to the California connection for June 29.

CCB Office Schedule:

The CCB Office will be closed through July 6, 2018 in support of the Fireworks Booth Fundraiser.

Nicole will be out of the office from July 10-July 16, 2018.

From The President:

If you are attending the ACB convention, would you please let me know by emailing me at

We need to know how many “California Colossal chairs” to request, but also I’d like to know how many are attending even if you don’t plan to join us on the convention floor.

Whether you are in ST. Louis or not remember that you can call or text either me or Jeff Thom with your preference during any roll call votes. You can reach me at (510) 388-5079 or Jeff at (916) 995-3967.


From Megan Ryan:

I write to you with a request. As part of our monitoring of the settlement with Sutter Health and its affiliates, we are looking for more information about patients’ recent experiences with the accessibility of Sutter Health’s website and mobile app: My Health Online. In particular, we are interested in your experience using the Message Center to send and receive messages from your health care providers.

We want to make sure the website and mobile app are accessible. If you use Sutter Health’s website or mobile app, please let me know about your experience.

(510) 763-9800

CCB Member Survey:

Every Member’s Voice Is Important. We have heard from 58 people so far. We want to hear from many more.

Complete the CCB Member Survey today at:

The survey contains about 30 questions and may take up to a half hour to complete. Thank you to those who have already responded to the survey!

From Judy Wilkinson:

The California Colossals in St. Louis!

I am proud to once again captain The California Colossals as we walk to raise funds for ACB through the Brenda Dillon Memorial Walk celebrating its 10th anniversary!

Please take time to donate to this worthy ACB fundraising effort. CCB members have already contributed almost $700so let's keep it going. Donations will be accepted through the end of July.

And best of all, remember, 50 percent of what you donate comes back to us at CCB.

Thanks for your involvement.

Thank you for reading or listening

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