California Connection September 28, 2018

Welcome to the California connection for September 28.

From Jeff Thom:

I regret to report that the Governor vetoed AB1865, our bill to remedy issues concerning attacks against service animals. The Governor appears to be vegoing a high number of bills, even for him, so perhaps we should not be surprised. His veto message states, in part: “While this bill does not lower the standard for conviction, it nonetheless expands the scope of serval crimes without commensurate evidence that this is needed. Moreover, the existing provisions allowing compensation for crimes against service dogs have been in place for over three years and have not resulted in a single eligible claim. No claim has been denied because a dog was not in the performance of its duties at the time of a crime—the subject matter of this bill."

While we have an extremely heavy legislative agenda on our plates for next year, we do need to work with the new Legislature and Governor to ultimately gain passage of this measure. I want to applaud the hard work of many, especially those guide dog handlers who sent so many letters of support for this bill.

Diabetic Affiliate Call:

*** Please note that there is a new meeting ID and zoom link for this meeting.

Are you interested in participating in the launch of a new CCB diabetes affiliate? If so, please join other enthusiastic diabetics and friends to discuss the possibilities!

Date: Wednesday, October 3
Time: 7 to 8pm.

call in number: 408.638.0968
meeting ID: 158236260
When prompted for a participant code, press the Pound key.

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

If you have questions or comments, please contact Maile George or David Jackson

San Gabriel Valley Chapter Meeting Change For October:

The October 6, 2018 San Gabriel Valley chapter meeting has been rescheduled for Saturday October 20, 2018 at Du-pars Restaurant and Bakery, Pasadena California.

We will resume our normal meeting schedule on Saturday November 3, 2018.

If you have any questions, please call chapter President Phil Obregon at 909 675-7415 or email

Greater Bakersfield Fund Raiser:

The Greater Bakersfield Council of the Blind is hosting its 12th annual Dine in the Dark this October 13, 2018 at the Salvation Army church on 4417 Wilson Road Bakersfield, Ca 93309.

Dinner tickets are $35.00. Doors open at 4:30pm and dinner is served at 5:30pm.
If people cannot attend they can still donate to our chapter for scholarships to GBCB P.O. Box 642 Bakersfield, Ca 93302-0643.

Any questions can be directed to Penny Valdovinos at 661-378-8282 or Chris Fendrick at 661-301-3538.

Thank you for reading

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