California Connection October 05, 2018

Welcome to the California connection for October 5.

From Paul Shayne:

Good Morning Everyone:
It is with a heavy heart that I must announce to you that I will be transitioning from the California Council of the Blind on or about the end of November 2018. I wanted to thank you for allowing me to be a part of your story for the last two years. This experience has changed my life and I will always be your advocate in all things.

Yours In Service,
Paul D. Shane

On Behalf Of Paul Shane, CCB CEO:

It gives me great pleasure to announce that we have been awarded the Community Education Grant from Energy Upgrade CA. As such, we need to select an Independent Contractor to coordinate the grant. The grant starts on November 1, 2018. The first round of interviews will begin the week of October 15, 2018.

If interested, Please contact the CCB office at 800-221-6359 or for the job description. It would also be great if you could pass this along to others that you feel may be interested in the opportunity.

CCB Board Meeting:

Please join us for a CCB board meeting on October 11. Be on the lookout for an agenda to be distributed through the CCB email lists soon.

Date: Thursday October 11
Time: 7:00 PM

call in number: 408.638.0968
meeting ID: 864695032
When prompted for a participant code, press the Pound key.

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Yosemite Gateway BBQ Lunch Fundraiser:

Yosemite Gateway Council of the Blind will be holding a BBQ Lunch Fundraiser on Thursday, October 11th during the COVE Vision Fair at the Merced Senior Community Center. The lunch is $10 and includes BBQ Chicken or a Pulled Pork Sandwich, Cole Slaw, Roll, Cookie, and a Drink.

To reserve your lunch or for more information contact or 209-722-8118.

Inland Empire Fund Raiser:

The CCB Inland Empire Chapter is holding its 3rd Annual White Cane Day Bowl-a-Thon Fund Raiser at the Arlington Lanes Bowling Alley, 7100 Arlington Ave., Riverside CA 92503, on Saturday October 13th from 12:30pm to 3:30pm. There are $1 raffle tickets being sold now and will be available the day of the event. Your donations are also welcomed. Raffle drawings will be held during the event with cash and dozens of donated prizes being drawn. Lanes have been reserved so you can bowl with us or you can just come and support us. Proceeds will be used towards blind and visually impaired local college bound high school senior and/or Community College student scholarships as well as supporting the local CCB Chapter. Hope you will be able to join us.

For raffle tickets and more info call Chapter President Christine Bailey at (951) 901 3222

Greater Bakersfield Fund Raiser:

The Greater Bakersfield Council of the Blind is hosting its 12th annual Dine in the Dark this October 13, 2018 at the Salvation Army church on 4417 Wilson Road Bakersfield, Ca 93309.

Dinner tickets are $35.00. Doors open at 4:30pm and dinner is served at 5:30pm. If people cannot attend they can still donate to our chapter for scholarships to GBCB P.O. Box 642 Bakersfield, Ca 93302-0643.

Any questions can be directed to Penny Valdovinos at 661-378-8282 or Chris Fendrick at 661-301-3538.

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