CCB Happenings December 04, 2020

Welcome to the CCB Happenings for December 4.

From the San Francisco Chapter:

Happy December to all of our ccb community! A time of celebration, reflection and connection with others.

Please join the San Francisco and Contra Costa chapters to celebrate some of the December holidays. We'll have readings about Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and the winter solstice. There will be time to share your favorite holiday memories and traditions. If you'd like to sing a song or play a piece of music for us, or to receive the zoom information, please email me at
We will have two $25 door prizes at the end, questions based on one of the readings.

When: Saturday, December 5 from 11:00 am-1:00 pm.

Delicious Sale, just in time for the holidays!
Extended till dec 15.

The ACB Capital chapter of the California Council of the Blind is having a fundraiser and you can help!
Stock up on yummy snacks or send some scrumptious treats to family and friends. flavored popcorn, chocolates and more! They will package and ship for you with convenient online ordering from the comfort of your home. Note: a small processing fee will be assessed for credit card orders.

If you want help ordering, please contact Robin Patche at
or you can call her at (916) 662-0201
or you can use the link below to order:

Afternoon at the Museum gets us Jazzed up!

Jazz is the truly American sound. In this 2-part series, Stephanie Watts and AIRA agents will take a look at the extensive virtual tour offered by the American Jazz Museum, http://www.americanjazzmuseum.orgajmathome

click on the aira youtube page at

The following two announcements are from the Active Blind Inland Valleys CCB chapter:

We are selling a nylon, light-weight, portable shopping bag that folds into a happy face pouch.
It is light blue in color, 14.5x15 inches in diameter. The front of the bag, logo and writing in white, shows the ccb logo of the state map, a sun ray where Sacramento would be, with sun rays shooting from Sacramento out to the edges of the state, side to side, and top to bottom. To the left of the logo, there are four lines:
California Council
of the Blind
CCB 1-800-221-6359

For more information email Ed Crespin, Treasurer, at or Christy Crespin, Secretary, at

Pampered Chef fundraiser link open until December 31st!
Did you want to order from pampered chef but ran out of time? Our Pampered Chef consultant, Cindy Golding can be reached at 951-235-5486 or
Our Pampered Chef fundraiser link is:

Thank you for reading.

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