CCB Happenings November 20, 2020

Welcome to the CCB Happenings for November 20.

Editor’s Note:

There will be no edition of the Happenings for November 27,in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.

Paratransit Presentation:

The ACB Capital Chapter of the California Council of the Blind is cordially inviting you to an innovative paratransit presentation this Saturday. Our presenter will be Ron Brooks, Vice-President of Transit Market Development, American Logistics, Phoenix, AZ. There will be time for Q&A. Please share with your members.

Many of us take paratransit to get to the places we need to go. Sometimes, it works perfectly, but other times, we end up taking a very circuitous route, and we get there late. Within this presentation, Ron Brooks, a long-time ACB member and 27-year transit industry professional, will share a bit of the history of paratransit, how paratransit is beginning to evolve to meet the changing needs of customers, transit agencies and the communities who fund this service, and steps that CCB and chapter members, as well as other community stakeholders, can take to keep paratransit moving in the right direction.

To obtain the Zoom information, Contact Regina Brink at
or Call her at (916)393-0662.

Inclusive Diversity Committee
Sunday, NOV 22, 2PM
Learning a New Way to Talk to Each Other:

During this time of uncertainty and change, we want to explore new ways to talk and listen to each other. Learn how to exchange ideas on sensitive topics like race and discrimination in a way that encourages dialog instead of debate or arguments. Learn how to truly hear what someone is telling you and let them know you hear them. Practice receiving feedback that may cause discomfort but help us all grow.

To obtain the Zoom information, Contact Regina Brink at
or Call her at (916)393-0662.

Afternoon At The Museum Gets Us Jazzed Up!

Jazz is the truly American sound. In this 2-part series, Stephanie Watts and AIRA agents will take a look at the extensive virtual tour offered by the American Jazz Museum, http://www.americanjazzmuseum.orgajmathome

Click on the AIRA YouTube page at

The Following Two Announcements Are From The Active Blind Inland Valleys Chapter CCB:

Nylon, Light-weight, Portable Shopping Bag:

We are selling a nylon, light-weight, portable shopping bag that folds into a Happy Face pouch. It is light blue in color, 14.5x15 inches in diameter. The front of the bag, logo and writing in white, shows the CCB logo of the state map, a sun ray where Sacramento would be, with sun rays shooting from Sacramento out to the edges of the state, side to side, and top to bottom. To the left of the logo, there are four lines:

California Council
Of The Blind

For more information Email Ed Crespin, treasurer, at or Christy Crespin, secretary, at

Pampered Chef Fundraiser Link Open Until December 31st!

Did you want to order from Pampered Chef but ran out of time? Our Pampered Chef Consultant, Cindy Golding can be reached at 951-235-5486 or

Our Pampered Chef Fundraiser link is:

Thank you for reading.

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